Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd January 10th, 2015 4,581 Views 0 Comments
Then the soldiers cut away the ropes of the ships boat and let it go. Acts 27:32 ESV
The crew was gripped with fear as the ship was tossed about by the wind and waves. For fourteen days they had been battered and driven before this storm. Finally some of the sailors decided they would escape using a life boat, but Paul told them that if they did not stay on the ship, they would all die. Then they cut away the boat and they all made it to safety on the island of Malta, where God used Paul to perform many miracles.
Sometimes you need to stay the course that God has put you on and cut loose the things dragging you back. Let it go. Let them go. They would have never fulfilled Gods plan in their life if they had not cut the ropes and let go of the boat. They would have died holding onto it. If something is holding you back, and you feel God is wanting you to get rid of it, cut it loose and let it go.
When they dont want to be around you, there are those waiting that do. You are a child of God, not a door mat. When the door closes to a job, there is a better door getting ready to open. Is your past chasing you? Cut it loose and let it go. Today is the first day of the rest of your life and God is interested in your future, not your past.