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Pastor's Corner

Welcome to the Pastor's Corner! Here you will find all the devotionals, articles, teachings, books, music and more from Pastor Dion Todd. If you have any questions or content you would like to see, please feel free to contact us.


About Pastor Dion: Dion is the senior pastor at Refreshing Hope Ministries. His extensive background in computer networking as well as a love for God's word made him a perfect fit to start this online ministry. Out of his simple country background, Dion's writing emphasizes simple testimonies and truths, that resonate with the "working class". He presently lives in coastal South Carolina with his wife, Sylvia. You can read or watch a short version of his testimony here.

The Daily Word of Hope Devotional: The Daily Word of Hope is written by Pastor Dion each morning in his prayer room. After spending time in prayer and worship, he waits for that low whisper and then writes whatever comes. Many people find that the word speaks directly to what they are dealing with that day, and a timely word from God changes everything. The devotional is posted each morning about 3 AM EST, 7 days a week, and is then emailed to all the subscribers. Any member of the Refreshing Hope website can subscribe to the devotional through your Profile Notifications. If you are not yet a member, you are welcome to sign up!

Teachings: Here are some of Pastor Dion's key teachings (in no special order), as well as thoughts on some of the important and/or often-requested topics in a typical Christian walk. If there is a topic that you don't see that interests you, feel free to contact us with your suggestions! Note: not yet included in this list our the chapter-by-chapter Bible Study and the Love Dare, which we are still re-building for this new website.

  1. Prayer - Talk to Me: We hear from many people who think they can't pray "well enough". This article covers biblical principles for prayer - it is much simpler than you think.
  2. Fasting - A Lost Art of the Church: Fasting is a biblical practice which has the power to change lives in a powerful way. Most of the big moves on God in our lives have involved fasting. If you need a change, we recommend that you look into this.
  3. Giving - The Key to the Cell Door: While there may always be other factors, tithing and giving are foundational biblical principles for living in God's abundance. If you are burdened in lack, this is the place to start.
  4. Marriage and Divorce: If you are having hard times in marriage, this is a truthful read. I have been on both sides of it.
  5. The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is our comforter, counselor and guide on this Earth and an important part of the victorious Christian life.
    1. Part 1: Who is the Holy Spirit?
    2. Part 2: Ignorance in the Church
    3. Part 3: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
    4. Part 4: The Gifts of the Spirit
  6. Hearing God Speak: Most Christians would like to hear God's voice better. We believe this series will help you in that worthy goal.
    1. Hearing God Speak - Part 1
    2. Hearing God Speak - Part 2
    3. Hearing God Speak - Part 3
  7. What Time Is It?: This series is a biblical analysis of the end times, separating fact from fiction.
    1. Part 1: Introduction
    2. Part 2: Surrounded by Armies
    3. Part 3: The Outcasts and the Establishment
    4. Part 4: The Beasts
    5. Part 5: The Beasts 2
    6. Part 6: The Dark Ages
    7. Part 7: The Restoration of the Church

Books: Here is Pastor's Dion's Author Page on Amazon, as well as the individual books below (also on Amazon):

Music: Music has always been a part of my life and I began playing in bands when I was in my teens. When the Lord put us into ministry, I began to look for copyright free music that I could perform during our live meetings here at RHM, and to my surprise, the Lord began giving me original songs. I write them down as they come, record them in our home studio, and share them here at Refreshing Hope.

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