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A Joyful Heart

Posted by Dion Todd January 10th, 2015 4,082 Views 0 Comments

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 ESV

Health tip: Don't worry, be happy. You can add years to your life, and health to your body by simply being joyful and happy. No one should have power over your joy. They can cause problems but how you react to it is completely under your power. You make a choice to become angry instead of turning the other cheek.

There are so many attacks that come against us daily that it is easy to get discouraged, that is their purpose. But true happiness is not in things, jobs, or success, it is not in people. Paul said that he had learned to be content whatever his circumstances were (Phil 4:11). Whether beaten, ship wrecked, or in prison, Paul was content.

The Joy of the Lord is your strength. Remember when you were first saved how you felt so light, so happy, filled with joy? That is what happens when you lay your burdens down at the cross. We too often pick them back up again, and the heaviness returns. Leave your baggage at the cross. Pray and let God worry about it.

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