Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd February 10th, 2015 4,177 Views 0 Comments
What is man, that thou shouldest magnify him? and that thou shouldest set thine heart upon him? And that thou shouldest visit him every morning, and try him every moment? Job 7:17-18 ESV
We used to sing a song in church that was “More of Jesus, Less of Me.” While this is a neat saying, and I even like the song, that is not what God actually wants. It would be better sang as “More like Jesus”. God already had the world without you in it, and then He added you to it to make it better.
You were no accident, and neither was I. We are here because God chose us to be. If the Lord wanted less of you, He is quite capable of making that happen. Every breath that you take is an assurance that you are still supposed be here.
What we need is all of us covered by all of Him, just as the ark of the covenant was made of wood and then covered in gold. The natural covered by the divine. The best rounded people that I know are people that were just themselves, while walking with Jesus. They say that some people bring out the best in you. Jesus brings out the best in all of us.