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The Mighty Warrior

Posted by Dion Todd February 26th, 2015 15,352 Views 0 Comments

When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, The LORD is with you, mighty warrior. Judges 6:12 NIV

Dust and chaff drifted through the air as Gideon threshed the wheat. He was hiding inside of a winepress so the Midianites would not come and take the little that he had. With no breeze at all, it was dirty and hot. While he was working, the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and called him a mighty warrior. Though in reality he was the least in his family, who was the least in his tribe. Gideon was the least of the least.

The Lord saw something inside of Gideon that he did not. There was more to Gideon than normal eyes could see. God used Gideon and three-hundred men to defeat thousands of Midianites without lifting a sword, just because Gideon believed God. Even though he was scared, he did what the Lord told him and he overcame. Gideon went through it, not around it.

God sees what is inside of you and you are able to do what He calls you to do. Even if you are the least of the least, the smallest of the small, God has a plan for you and will enable you to complete it. God sees something in you that no one else sees. If you will spend sometime alone with Him and get in tune, He will take your life to a new level. He will make the smallest into a mighty warrior.

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