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The Riddle: Grace or Works

Posted by Dion Todd March 16th, 2015 13,624 Views 0 Comments

For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead. James 2:26 ESV

Growing up on a farm with two brothers and ten step-siblings, I got to see first-hand those who were pleasing to their parents, and those who were not. The parents could ask one child to do something and they would. This pleased them and there would sometimes be a reward for the child. The child was then happy. Other children when simply asked to come home after work, would somehow land in jail. This hurt the parents, the child got no reward and was then sad. The parents loved all of the children whether they obeyed their wishes or not and they were all a part of the family, but there was joy and a reward for those that were obedient.

God loves each of us and we should respond to that by doing good. When we do, there will be a reward. We gain joy, fulfillment, and self-worth by doing good as well as the favor of God on our life. His love is free and you cannot earn it, but your life can be pleasing to Him, or not. Abel was pleasing to God, Cain was not (Gen 4:4). Ask, Action, Reward, when God asks you to do something, and you take action, there will be a reward. Do not shuffle this order.

If God asks you to do something and you sit down on a log, He will sit right beside you until you get up. I have sat on that log for years at a time. You are not alone, but you are not doing what He asked you, so you go nowhere. Sitting on that log is free, but obedience will cost you your selfish ways. Love your neighbor as yourself. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. Take that risk to be free and do what you love, but season everything with prayer first. Whatever you do, get off that log.

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