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Sifted Like Wheat

Posted by Dion Todd March 31st, 2015 14,287 Views 0 Comments

Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers. Luke 22:31 ESV

Peter told Jesus that he was ready to go to prison and die for Him if needed, a very bold statement. Jesus told Peter that satan had asked to test him, to reveal what was inside of him, and that he was fixing to deny that he even knew Jesus three times. Then He added, and when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.

Jesus knew that Peter was going to be tested for a season, and that Peter was going to fail. He wanted Peter to get back up, to continue and to strengthen the others, even though he failed the test. Sometimes we are tested to reveal what is inside of us to ourselves. Peter had no idea so much fear was inside of him, until after this. Sifting strains out the bad and brings things that are hidden into plain view.

Maybe in the past you have made a bold statement that you would serve God no matter what, and then something happened that changed that. Get back up, keep going, continue on God's path. Jesus knew that would happen before He called you, but He called you just the same. He is not mad at you and one day you will be free.

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