Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd April 17th, 2015 14,300 Views 0 Comments
And Jesus said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men." Mark 1:17 ESV
While growing up, I spent a lot of time on the rivers near my home in South Carolina. The black water of the Waccamaw was just a few miles away and fishing and hunting were a normal part of everyday life in the country. Bait selection was imperative, crickets for bream, nightcrawlers for catfish, minnows or lures for bass. A good fisherman always went prepared.
You also have to use different tactics according to your quarry. When fishing you try and entice a fish to take the bait. You put something in front of them that looks good, appealing, a lure, something that they desire and would want to eat. Using the wrong bait will get you nothing but ignored. The fish willingly go after the right bait when it is presented and become hooked. If you make much noise you will drive the fish away, and if the lure does not look good they will never go for it to begin with.
In hunting you pursue your prey, often with the help of barking dogs and other hunters, depending on the quarry. The prey does not willingly submit either. It is being chased or ambushed and their only desire is that you would leave them alone.
Jesus said that He would make us fishers of men, not their hunters. We are to make Jesus look good, appealing, something people would want. If they do not willingly take the bait then move on. Do not pursue them like a hunter as you will just drive them away. No means no. The prodigal sons Father did not chase him down with a Bible yelling at him, but instead was there waiting for his return when he came to his senses (Luke 15:17). Make Jesus look good and do not be offensive or scary when you share your faith.