Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd April 21st, 2015 14,559 Views 0 Comments
Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; Is. 55:6 ESV
I enjoy playing music, computers, gaming and I generally have my quiet time with the Lord each morning. However for a couple of months, I was called to pray every day at about 3 PM. It became a driving desire and the most important thing in my life.
Rather than doing the usual things that I would normally do, each day I would go into my room, close the door and pray from one to two-and-a-half hours. It was not your normal praying either, I laid on the floor with my face on the carpet in tears and the Lords presence would cover me like a blanket. There was such a sweet fellowship that it was all that I wanted to do. Eventually it lifted, life returned to normal, and my morning time was again fine.
The Lord is always with us, but there are special times when He wants you to come aside and spend some quality time with Him. These are times when He draws near to you, calls you to break from the daily routine and to pay Him attention.
It was a very rewarding experience, yet it preceded a dark time in my life where my faith was strained to the breaking point. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not spent the time in prayer leading up to it, and when I came out of the test, He put me into ministry. If you feel the Lord tugging on your heart and prompting you to come aside for a while, dont neglect Him. It is for your own good.