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Posted by Dion Todd May 9th, 2015 15,122 Views 0 Comments
Now the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." Then I said, "Ah, Lord GOD! Behold, I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth." Jeremiah 1:4 ESV
Jeremiah tried to reason with the Lord and make excuses about why he was not the one for this job, but the Lord would not take no for an answer. Jeremiah felt inadequate, but the Lord had appointed Jeremiah as a prophet before he was even born. Jeremiah had not yet done anything, either good or bad, yet the Lord had already made plans for his life and equipped him for it.
God did not choose Jeremiah because he was wealthy, or because of his charisma, or because he was popular. God said that He formed Jeremiah in the womb. He could have made Jeremiah anything that He wanted him to be, and He did just that. Jeremiah came with the toolkit that was needed to fulfill his purpose.
Likewise, so do you. God made you the way that He wanted you to be and you have skills that others do not. You shall not covet anything that is your neighbors (Duet 5:21). I would call rejecting the original you that God created and desiring to have your neighbor's life instead, an original sin.
You are who God wanted you to be. Our choices and actions can be good or bad, but as a person, we are who God made us to be. Don't look down on yourself because you are not wealthy, or not as popular as someone else. Stop trying to be like someone else and be who God created you to be, and your life will find true meaning and purpose.