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Posted by Dion Todd May 11th, 2015 11,731 Views 0 Comments
Luke Chapter 5
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Luke 5 Outline:
5:1-5 Jesus preaches from a boat on lake Gennesaret.
5:6-7 The miraculous catch of fish.
5:8-11 The fishermen forsake all to follow Jesus.
5:12-13 Jesus heals a man with leprosy.
5:14 Jesus tells the man to tell no-one about healing.
5:15-16 News of this miracle draws crowds to Jesus.
5:17-19 A paralyzed man is lowered from roof to Jesus.
5:20-24 Jesus forgives the man’s sins.
5:24-26 Jesus heals man from his paralysis and he gets up.
5:27-28 Levi (called Matthew) the tax collector leaves everything to follow Jesus.
5:29-39 Levi holds a great feast to honor Jesus.
5:30-32 Jesus the Great Physician.
5:33-35 The scribes question Jesus about fasting.
5:33-39 Parables about old & new covenants.
Study Notes:
— Luke calls this body of water “The lake of Gennesaret” where the other gospels call it the “Sea of Galilee.” The modern day name is “Kinneret.” It is a body of water 13 miles by 8 miles and lies about 700 feet below sea level. It is the largest freshwater lake in Israel, the lowest freshwater lake on earth, and has a maximum depth of 141 feet. Its main source is the Jordan river.
— After Jesus teaches from Peter’s boat, Jesus tells him to let down his nets again. Now Peter and the others were washing their nets after fishing all night. They were done, besides, they were professional fisherman, who was this guy thinking that He knew more about fishing than them? So Peter just went along with it and they caught so many fish the boats began to sink… Peter spoke fish, Jesus knew that language. Never underestimate the knowledge of God. He is always smarter than you on every single subject.
— Peter fell down at Jesus’ knees and told Him basically, “don’t waste your time on me Lord. I am no good. You don’t know how bad I am.” Jesus saw his heart. All that God needs is a good heart and He can work with you. Peter’s foul mouth and sinfulness did not matter to Jesus, He knew this would correct itself.
— Leprosy was a death sentence, or worse than death as people could linger on twenty years suffering. People with leprosy were covered in sores and viewed as being judged by God because of their sin. They could not be “touched.” Jesus touched the man with leprosy and healed him which was completely opposite of the normal. Jesus valued the outcast man.
— The paralyzed man had real friends that cared. When he could not walk or get into see Jesus, they took the roof tiles off the house and lowered him down in front of Jesus. The paralyzed man was viewed as being judged by God. Jesus showed that the man had value, forgave him and healed him. The man got up, took his mat and walked home.
— Jesus called Levi the tax collector as a disciple. In other places, he is called Matthew and probably the writer of the first gospel. This would have stunned everyone around Him. Tax collectors were Jewish people that worked for the Roman government and collected tax money from the Jews. There were traitors to their own people, collaborators, extortioners, and the most hated group of people, classed well below sinners and prostitutes. Jesus simply said “Follow me” and Levi left “everything” and followed Him. This was a serious commitment. Where Peter and the other fishermen could simply return to fishing, Levi would never get his job back after simply abandoning his tax office.
— Tax collectors were wealthy and Levi was probably the richest disciple. Levi was not in regret for leaving his past life, instead he celebrated by hosting a great feast in his house with Jesus as the guest of honor and there was a large company of tax collectors and others at the table with them. The pharisees and scribes complained “bitterly” to His disciples because Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners. Jesus was inclusive. Religion was exclusive.
— The pharisees asked why Jesus’ disciples were so happy (Luke 5:34) when John’s disciples were fasting and praying. Jesus explained that the day would come when He would taken away, and they would fast then. But for now, it is a celebration. Jesus’ disciples were happy and Jesus was fun and refreshing to be around.
— Luke 5:36: Jesus tells two parables. One: Putting a new piece of cloth on an old garment would ruin it. Two: Putting new wine into an old wineskin would ruin it. Jesus was saying that He did not come to patch up Judaism but that this is something radically new.
Wineskins were usually made from the skins of goats and were elastic when fresh, but as they got older they became set and brittle. New wine expands as it ferments and would burst the old brittle skins. Jesus was saying that you cannot enclose His teachings inside of the old testament law, or impose the restraints of the law on it or the results will be disastrous. Also, (5:39) Jesus realized that those used to the old law ( the religious scribes and pharisees ) would not like the new or desire it. A man drinking old wine does not even want to try the new because he says “The old is good.”
Map of the ministry of Jesus around the sea of Galilee:
Discussion Questions: (if your answers are very long, you may want to type them first in something like Word or Notepad, which doesn't require an Internet connection, then copy and paste (Ctrl-A to select, Ctrl-V to copy, Ctrl-V to paste), to prevent mishaps. Also, there is a 3K character limit, so if they are super long, feel free to post more than once, and just answer a couple of questions at a time. Also, you are welcome to post any questions you may have. We look forward to your thoughts!)
1) What does it mean to you that Jesus recruited His first disciples by helping them bring in fish?
2) Why do you think Jesus told the leper He healed to tell no one of what happened?
3) Though He was the son of God and full of the Holy Spirit, Jesus would still “withdraw to desolate places and pray”. Why do you think that was necessary for Him? What does that mean for us?
4) Even with miracles happening in front of their eyes, the Pharisees were not able to see what the simple fisherman saw immediately. What do you think were the obstacles for them? What can we do to prevent this problem from happening to us?
5) Jesus fasted and prayed, but did not appear to require the same of his disciples, until after He was gone. He explained it with the parable of the wedding and the bridegroom. What can we learn from this?
Please leave your feedback in the comments below.