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The One Who Sees Me

Posted by Dion Todd May 20th, 2015 14,322 Views 0 Comments

They will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you, declares the LORD, to deliver you. Jeremiah 1:19 ESV

Things were finally going well in our computer business. We had one particular client with multiple locations that took up all the time that we could give them. For the first time in forever, we could work all that we wanted and they loved us. We had our own keys to the building. They knew that I was ordained and often asked us to pray for them. We would anoint them with oil right there at their desks, the Holy Spirit would settle on them, and soon they would be in tears.

Then I had a dream one night that I was driving a dump truck that belonged to them with their logo on the door. I was pulling a trailer with a backhoe on it. Someone had sabotaged the trailer and had loosened the chains that held the backhoe on so when I turned a corner, it ran off the trailer and into a building. In the dream, the people there all started blaming me for it and pointing like it was my fault.

Right after this dream, we lost that client. The company had recently brought in a new manager, and the managers younger brother did computer work like us. In order to get the company to give their work to their brother, the manger lied about us to the owner and started breaking things, then blaming us. It worked for one year, then God stepped in and made it right.

My wife had a dream that I called her from this company's office and that I was there working on their computers. When the owner's call came the following week, I was expecting it, because God had shown us. To shorten this up, the manager had been caught in some very bad things, was fired and escorted to the door. They had us come back in to do forensics, recover their deleted files, and re-secure their network. God saw what was happening in our life and He warned us to prepare us for it. He cared what happened.

Know that when you are wronged, God sees it, and in due time He will make it right. Dont stoop to their level, just keep a positive attitude, keep praying and treat others like you would like to be treated. God is not a distant presence in the universe that is too high and mighty to be bothered with the small problems of your life. If you will invite Him to be a part of it, He will. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me (Revelation 3:20 NKJV).

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