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The Jigsaw Puzzle

Posted by Dion Todd July 5th, 2015 12,733 Views 0 Comments

For it is precept on precept, precept on precept; line on line, line on line; here a little, there a little. Isaiah 28:10 WEB

With little pieces of the jigsaw puzzle scattered all over the table, we began to try and assemble it. This one was seriously difficult because someone had mixed a couple of other puzzles together in the same box and there were pieces that did not belong. Fortunately we had a picture to go by, and eventually it started to take shape. When complete, it was beautiful.

God sees the bigger picture of your life. You do not. He knows the pieces that do not fit and need to be removed, and He knows what to keep. After walking with Him a while, your life will begin to take shape and when complete, it will be something beautiful.

Work with God and allow Him to separate you from the things that do not belong for He will not separate you from your friends, or the things that you want to keep around. We do have a free will to serve God, or not, just as Joshua and the Israelites (Joshua 24:!5).

Also do not get ahead of God and throw out things that He intends to keep. Work at His pace. You do not need to understand everything right now, He does, and that is enough. It is one piece at a time and one day at a time. Eventually this thousand piece puzzle will make sense.

Prayer: Father I choose You today. Help me get in tune with Your plan for my life. Guide me and help me make the right decisions. Teach me and make Your path clear in Jesus name.

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