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Shock Treatment

Posted by Dion Todd March 20th, 2016 10,708 Views 0 Comments

All chastening seems for the present to be not joyous but grievous; yet afterward it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been exercised thereby. Hebrews 12:11 WEB

While at school, I learned to read and write, add and subtract, and much more. However, many times it was after school that the learning really began for me. Dad would tell us 'That electric fence will shock you so stay away from it', but what did he know about life. After all, I was now six years old.

One day while trying to step over that electric fence, I found that he was right! Actions speak louder than words and this time I remembered it well. Now I fully understood that his words were meant to protect me from unnecessary pain. For those of you who have never grabbed an electric fence, be assured that it is something that you will remember the rest of your days. Some things, we just need to learn the hard way.

Many times the Lord will give us a little warning, and if we persist, let us go on our way. His word is there to protect us, but He will not force us to obey it. If you want to avoid the shocks, burns, and scratches, be quick to listen.

Even when we just go ahead and do something totally stupid, He is there to pick us back up in His loving arms without even an, 'I told you so.' He is a loving Father who only wants the best for us. Now if we would only listen.

Prayer: Father, I thank You for Your mercy on my life for I am still breathing today. Help me to recognize when You are speaking and give me the grace to be obedient, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

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