Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd April 15th, 2016 11,889 Views 0 Comments
The spirit of man is Yahweh's lamp, searching all his innermost parts. Proverbs 20:27 WEB
A friend of mine once worked as a salesman at a car dealership. One day a lady came in that wanted to buy a certain car, but the air conditioning did not work. The manager promised her that they would fix it if she brought it back later in the month, so she purchased the car as is.
When she brought the car back to have it repaired, the manager denied promising her anything and then called my friend in as a witness. At that point my friend had to make a decision: to do the right thing, or to look the other way and keep his job.
He sided with the woman and got the air conditioning fixed, but the embarrassed manager got even with him and he lost his job. In the end it worked out for the best as the "stealership" soon closed and my friend has a loyal following of people that will only buy a car from him, wherever he works.
Have you ever done something and then felt wrong about it? Maybe you did not describe the item that you sold clearly enough? I certainly have. In business transactions it is easy to lean towards the salesman in us.
The Spirit searches all of our motives and transactions as a light shining into the darkest places. It reveals the things that we would like to keep hidden. If you face a choice of doing what is right or looking the other way, remember that right will always be right, and it will work out for the best in the long run. Short term gains are quickly lost.
Prayer: Father, please guide me and help me make the right decisions in my life. Keep my focus on You and prevent me from becoming distracted. Help me live a life that is pleasing in Your sight, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.