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Posted by Dion Todd May 11th, 2016 13,006 Views 0 Comments
I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his children begging for bread. Psalm 37:25 WEB
David had been through a lot when he wrote this verse. He had been anointed by Samuel as a young boy and went on to kill lions, bears, and giants. As he grew, David became an experienced shepherd, an accomplished musician, and an excellent soldier.
He had to run and hide from Saul, his own father-in-law, who had become so jealous of David that he sought to kill him. For years, David had to hide in caves, live with Philistines, and the lowest of the low. Those who were outcast from society and in trouble began to gather around him and soon became an army of mighty men.
In time, Saul died and David became king, reigning for forty years. When David passed away, he left Solomon 3,000 talents of gold, and 7,000 talents of silver from his personal treasury to help build the new temple. A talent of gold (75 pounds) in 2016 would be worth around 1.25 million USD.
David began life as a poor shepherd boy, the least in his family, but God took care of him all the way through and he ended well. During that time David wrote that not once did he ever see the righteous forsaken, or his children begging for bread. Though at times things looked bad, there would always be enough to eat when it became needed.
If you serve God, He will take care of you. The things that you suffer will be for your own development. Every child needs discipline and we are no different, but God will provide for His people. So many times in my life, tomorrow looked terrifying, but when it arrived, so did an unexpected blessing that countered the bad. I have put my trust in God. What can man do to me?
Prayer: Father, I thank You for remembering me today and I choose to put my trust in You. Lead me into all that You have for me and teach me what I need to know. Fulfill Your will in my life, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.