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Dust In The Wind

Posted by Dion Todd September 6th, 2018 7,393 Views 0 Comments

These all wait for you, that you may give them their food in due season. You give to them; they gather. You open your hand; they are satisfied with good. You hide your face; they are troubled. You take away their breath; they die and return to the dust. Psalms 104:27 WEB

If you are reading this, then you are still breathing and God has not called His gift back to Him yet. To each of us there is a day appointed when we will give back to God the breath that He breathed into Adam so long ago, the very breath of life (Genesis 2:7). It was passed down to each of us, and when it is gone, we will return to the dust.

I have stood by the bedside of dear loved ones as they took their last breath, and watched the people that I hoped would live forever, die. If you take a walk through a graveyard, it is sobering to see the dates on the tombstones. In a cemetery near my house, years ago a family buried their five children whom they lost to malaria. As soon as they would bury one, they would go home to find that another had passed.

Live today ready to die so that you will have no regrets. You may question whether God loves you, but every breath that you take is another gift from God. It is another chance to make things right. When a murderer takes another breath, it is God's mercy. Will he repent before it is too late, or continue on the path of destruction? There is still time to right the wrongs and live the life that God created you for. 'While I breath, there is hope' is my home state of South Carolina's motto. Our lives are just a brief flash lived in the shadow of eternity, here today, gone tomorrow. They are like dust in the wind.

Prayer: Heavenly Father I thank You for giving me another day here. Help me to see the world through Your eyes and to live out the plans that You have for me to their fullest. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

Note: Ladies, today is "Thankful Thursday" at our "Ladies in Distress" group! All group members are welcome and invited to post something, whether big or small, that you are grateful for! This group is private, so if you are not a member and are having trouble joining, just post on the website somewhere and we will get you set up :). Here is the link: Ladies in Distress group

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