Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd October 20th, 2019 5,632 Views 0 Comments
I will seek that which was lost, and will bring back that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick; Ezekiel 34:16 WEB
As the tears flowed down my face, I knew they weren't mine. I had a rough upbringing. I could count the people that I trusted on one hand, and still have a couple of fingers left. Yet, as I laid hands on this hopelessly lost rogue, who had stolen so many things in the past, and was even now wanted by the police, I could feel such compassion welling up inside me.
It was just one hard hearted person, praying for another hard hearted person, but the Lord melted us both. These feelings were not mine. I did not even want this person in my yard, but I had been abducted by the Holy Spirit. God loved this lost soul, and He had sent him to my house to ask for prayer that day because he was in a really bad situation. For some reason he looked up to me, probably because I had invited him to church a few times.
I didn't like this person, but when he asked me to pray for him, I submitted to the Holy Spirit's guidance. The moment that I touched him, we all started weeping. It was a divine encounter and I could feel the Lord breaking through years of pain and disappointments. I could literally feel how much God loved this poor soul who was lost, alone, scared, and hurting. The arrest warrants with his name on it did not affect the love of God for him, nor push Him away. Our Heavenly Father understood him when no one else did. I could see that even though society rejected him, Jesus accepted him.
If you are lost, know that the Lord is seeking you today and that He is not mad at you. He wants you to come back to Him. God loves the lost, and He wants to bring them all into His family. What they have done in the past does not matter. He will wash them as white as snow. If you are standing near them, then you might just become His means to reach them. He will use your hands as His own. He will use your mouth to speak His words. The Holy Spirit is the Ultimate Body Snatcher.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, please lead me into divine encounters and conversations. Open the door, and I will step through it. I will be Your hands on this earth. Here I am, use me, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Note: Our weekly RHM Live church service will be happening this morning at 10am EST. Join us for a time of worship, interactive prayer, and fellowship, and to hear what has been happening recently in our lives. To participate in the chatroom you need to have a site account, but if not, you can still watch the video of the study. Service starts at 10am EST, but all are encouraged to show up 15 minutes early for fellowship, and to make sure the stream is working for you before we start. Love you all! Here is the link to join: RHM Live
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