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RHM Newsletter 36: Coronavirus Update

Posted by Dion Todd March 14th, 2020 3,445 Views 0 Comments

Thank you for being a part of Refreshing Hope Ministries. Like everyone else, we have been monitoring the Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak and praying about it. As of today, many church services and public gatherings are being canceled around the world. It is a difficult time for many, and fear is on the rise on a global scale. While it is important to take reasonable precautions, both for ourselves and our communities, as Christians, there is no need to live in fear. 

For those who are choosing or required to avoid public gatherings, we wanted to remind you that RHM offers live online church services each Sunday morning at 10am EDT. You can join us from wherever you are as long as you have an internet connection. You can fellowship and pray with other believers from around the world from the safety of your own home. If you sign in, you can join in our little family and be a part of a live church service from anywhere. We have all original music, study the Bible, and pray together as a part of the body of Jesus Christ. We are truly here for such a time as this, and I have a word for you this week on "Pestilence":

Pestilence: Strongs Hebrew 1822 / Greek 3369: disease, plague, pestilence, a pandemic occurrence of sickness that causes widespread death, often with the associative meaning of judgment from God (Ex 5:3; 9:3, 15; Lev 26:25; Nu 14:12; Dt 28:21; 2Sa 24:13, 15; 1Ki 8:37; 1Ch 21:12, 14; 2Ch 6:28; 7:13; 20:9; Ps 78:50; 91:3, 6; Jer 14:12; 21:6, 7, 9; 24:10; 27:8, 13; 28:8; 29:17, 18; 32:24, 36; 34:17; 38:2; 42:17, 22; 44:13; Eze 5:12, 17; 6:11, 12; 7:15; 12:16; 14:19, 21; 28:23; 33:27; 38:22; Hos 13:14; Am 4:10; Hab 3:5+).

Pestilence is one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse mentioned in the book of Revelation (Revelation 6:8). Fast spreading sicknesses that grow increasingly more deadly, but there is hope. God’s people do not have to live scared of what may happen for He is more than able to protect you through it, but you need to stay close to Him. The plagues on the Israelites started on the outskirts of the camp, those who were farthest from the Lord (Numbers 11:1). So walk close. Live your life ready to die with no regrets. Abide in the shadow of the Almighty. 

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