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Looking Back

Posted by Dion Todd December 1st, 2020 5,647 Views 0 Comments

Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness Luke 4:1 WEB.

I would not be here if I had not first been there. So many times in our life, we can look back and say those words. Where we were when we met our spouse, and how narrow a time frame that it was. When we had to take a job we did not like. Only to find that it was a stepping stone for something better. Or that it provided the skills we would need later.

These things are not mere coincidences. God has a plan and purpose for those that follow Him. Jesus was led by the Spirit to where He needed to be. So was Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, Jonah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Peter, Paul, and many others in the Bible.

We are commanded to walk in the Spirit, to keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25). Paul wrote: "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh" (Galatians 5:16). Note that the word "fulfill" means: "To complete, execute, accomplish, perform, finish." It does not mean you will never have a wrong thought or desire. But that you will not follow through with them. You push them out of your mind and continue on.

God taught me many of the skills I use today in places I did not want to be. Many of my stories come out of enduring hardship. But I wouldn't be here today without having first been there. They become a part of your path. Only by looking back can you connect the dots that brought you to where you are now.

Once after being laid off from work, I thought it would be great to work in a Christian book store surrounded by other believers. That would be so nice, I thought to myself, to work in a Christian environment like that. Instead, He put me in the darkest, dirtiest job I ever had. In a hole in the wall place that no-one ever heard of. Among the worst sinners, I had ever met.

It was a time of solitude. I polished brass at a buffing machine and listened to the Bible all day with headphones. I prayed in the Spirit most of the day and fasted a lot. It was mind-numbing work, but listening to the Bible gave me a lot to think about and caused the day to go by faster.

I grew closer and closer to the Lord, and it became the most anointed time of my life. So far. Miracles began to happen around me. People started being saved without me, hardly saying a word. Soon I was surrounded by other believers. God had turned where I was into a Christian environment. He thinks differently than we do, but you can trust Him to do things right.

If God has brought you this far and done all that He has in the past. Why not trust Him to take care of you today? He will let you be in the right place, at the right time. You are not going to miss anything He has reserved for you. The hard things are just a part of our path. Though a road may have bumps, it will still get you to where you are going as long as you keep moving forward. So stay the course, chin up. Your life still has a purpose and where you are is no accident.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for bringing me this far. I choose to believe that You have a plan and a purpose for me being where I am. Please fulfill Your will in my life and guide me to where I need to be. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!

Note: A few months ago, we were chatting with one of our wonderful members, and found that he was a graphic designer. He so kindly offered to help us with some of our design needs with a new logo and an upcoming book cover. While he was at it, he also surprised us with some beautiful shirts with the new logo! When the members at the RHM Live service saw the shirt, they wanted to find out how to get one for themselves. We asked him if there was a way they could just order them online. Not only did he set that up, he created an entire store for the ministry, with Christian shirts, mugs, leggings, masks, and more! We were/are astounded by the quality of the designs, and hope you will be blessed by them, too! Here is the new RHM Store.

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