Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd May 6th, 2021 5,100 Views 0 Comments
Praise Yahweh, my soul, and don't forget all his benefits, who forgives all your sins, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your desire with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. Psalm 103:2 WEB.
Years ago, I mainly worked in low-end jobs where the only benefit was having a job. I owe that partly to quitting school and getting married at seventeen. So, I worked in the tobacco fields, as a construction laborer, and installing septic tanks. I learned to paint houses and became pretty good at it. What I considered a vacation were the days we got rained out, and it wasn't paid.
Eventually, I gained enough experience and worked hard enough that people began to seek me out to come work for them. I finally landed a job that had benefits and a paid vacation. It felt strange at first. I wasn't used to having such things, and I didn't make use of them. It took me a while to understand that the benefits were significant.
When inquiring about a job, we need to understand the benefits before we make a decision. Do they have insurance, retirement, a paid vacation? Sometimes, the benefits can be why we take the job in the first place, and we should use them. They come as part of the package.
Serving the Lord has benefits as well. Steadfast love and mercy, the forgiveness of your mistakes, healing for your body, redemption, renewed vigor, and supernatural provision. All of those are contained in the above verse. Of course, they are not the reason we live for Him. Yet, there is no reason to neglect what He so lovingly gives us.
Often we overlook these benefits and just struggle in our own strength without asking for His help. Or like me, you have walked so long without them that you don't know how to put them to use. But would you say no to free health insurance? Or "Forget the vacation! I'll just work through, and you can just keep the extra pay."
Jesus told us to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread" (Matthew 6:11). James wrote, "You do not have, because you do not ask" (James 4:2). When you fall down, ask for forgiveness and get up knowing that you are forgiven. It is a benefit. When you are sick, pray to be healed. It is a perk. When you have a need, pray for the Lord to provide the means. Love and mercy are also included in His package. It is OK to pray about your needs, and yes, God still loves you no matter what you happen to "feel" at the moment.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for providing benefits for believers, and I know that I am in good hands, Your hands. Please provide for my family. Heal us, forgive us, and help us walk the straight and narrow path. Guide us to find our place and where we fit in Your plan. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: Ladies, today is Thankful Thursday at the "Ladies in Distress" group (our RHM women's group)! You are welcome to join in our weekly sharing of thankfulness for the Lord's presence and any blessings you may have experienced, big or small! "Ladies in Distress" is a private group, so if you have any problems joining, just post anywhere and we will help you :). Here is the link: Ladies in Distress
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