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Posted by Dion Todd March 5th, 2023 3,382 Views 0 Comments
Wheel in the Sky from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo.
God's being, wisdom, and His word are eternal and live outside of time. Unlike us, He has always existed:
(Genesis 1:1 NKJV) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
(Proverbs 8:23 NKJV) I have been established from everlasting, From the beginning, before there was ever an earth.
(Matthew 24:35 NKJV) Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
(Isaiah 40:28 NKJV) Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.
Picture the passage of time as a wagon wheel. The Lord is the axle at the center that the rest of the wheel spins around. The spokes can be seen as years, decades, or centuries. We are somewhere along the outer rim etched as 2023. We can see a little ahead of us, but usually spend far too much time looking behind us. In comparison, the Lord can see all of time at once. He can see the end from the beginning.
(Isaiah 46:9–10 NKJV) Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure'
In fact, Jesus Christ is the Beginning and the End:
(Revelation 22:13 NKJV) "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”
Do you understand how powerful that is? While we are spinning around the outer rim, sometimes on top, and at other times underneath and being rolled over, the Lord is the unchanging, unmovable axle that the universe revolves around.
When a word is spoken or written through the Holy Spirit, it is timeless. It exists outside the confines of time. For example, I can write something, and someone can read it a year later and say, "Wow, that was written directly to me!" In the same way, a Bible verse can suddenly illuminate your situation. This is the work of the Holy Spirit and a way He speaks to you. When He speaks a word to you, it is living and eternal. Also, don't let anyone tell you the Lord doesn't speak anymore. Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice:
(John 10:27 NKJV) My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
(Matthew 10:19–20 NKJV) But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.
(2 Peter 1:21 NASB) for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
When the Lord speaks, it happens:
(Isaiah 55:11 ESV) so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
The Lord can see the beginning of your life as well as the end. So while we may think something would be great right now, say, winning the lottery, He can see the effects of what it would do to us down the road. It may not be wise.
Even more importantly, the things that happen to us have a purpose. For example, there wouldn't be a Refreshing Hope Ministries today if we hadn't gotten laid off from our last job. The Lord closes one door so that He can open another. So don't get too upset when a door closes, a job ends, or you are forced to enter a new era in life.
God can see the end from the beginning. He allows us to be tested and tried to see our faithfulness while living here on Earth. Salvation is free, but understand that you are earning your heavenly rewards right here and now. You are either laying up treasure in heaven, or you are not, right here and now. You plant seeds now and will reap a harvest later. Eternity is our retirement plan when our work here ends, and we reap our rewards.
There seems to be a spirit of stupidity today that believes that God loves us so much that nothing we do even matters. "God is love. He could never send anyone to hell. All dogs go to heaven, and people..." Not necessarily. Scripture makes it clear that some people are gonna bust hell wide open and spend eternity burning in unquenchable fire. Look at what Jesus taught His disciples:
(Matthew 13:40–42 NKJV) Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire.
(Luke 20:45–47 NKJV) Then, in the hearing of all the people, He said to His disciples, “Beware of the scribes, who desire to go around in long robes, love greetings in the marketplaces, the best seats in the synagogues, and the best places at feasts, who devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. These will receive greater condemnation.”
These Scribes were highly religious people, teachers of the Scriptures who prayed long prayers. Yet, Jesus said they would receive greater condemnation! Of the 162 references to Hell and eternal judgment in the New Testament, 70 were spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ. It was a hot topic.
Summary: The Lord is at the center of the wheel and can see the end from the beginning. The things you are going through will work out for good. Everything you see around you is temporary, while the eternal is invisible. Hang on to what the Lord has promised you.
(2 Corinthians 4:16–18 NKJV) Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
You can pray this with me if you like:
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You so much for giving me another day. My life is Yours, Lord. Please speak to me in a way I understand and give me a clear vision. I want to be a part of what You are doing on Earth today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!