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A Bridge Over Troubled Water

Posted by Dion Todd March 9th, 2023 3,793 Views 0 Comments

Whoever finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor of Yahweh. Proverbs 18:22 WEB.

One morning, I was lying on the floor in my room praying. My mind was aimlessly drifting from one thing to another as I prayed when I saw an image of my wife and me walking on a beach together. Then it occurred to me that her birthday was coming up soon. Then a thought came to me, "You should take her away for the weekend."

Later at the office, I checked my email. At the top of the list was one from a Myrtle Beach Resort, which offered us an oceanfront room with a jacuzzi for $49.95 a night. We were a short drive away.

I finally put the Lord's clues together, and even though we were very busy, I gave in and asked if she would like to go away for the weekend. She was delighted, and we had a wonderful time at the beach together. At another time, while my wife was praying, the Lord directed her to do something special for me in the same way.

When a couple places God at the center of their life, the Lord will become the mediator in the relationship. He will tell you things that add spice to your life and provide a way for you to do it. Yet, too often, we put ourselves at the center of the relationship, and it becomes all about what we want.

The Lord loves you both, and He wants your marriage to work. He will give you these subtle hints as He did with me along the way. Please don't ignore them. They could easily be the bridge over troubled water.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray that you will give me a clear vision and show me things that I can do to improve my relationship. Help me see what I am missing today. Please speak to me and through me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!

Note: Ladies, today is Thankful Thursday at the "Ladies in Distress" group (our RHM women's group)! You are welcome to join in our weekly sharing of thankfulness for the Lord's presence and any blessings you may have experienced, big or small! "Ladies in Distress" is a private group, so if you have any problems joining, just post anywhere and we will help you :). Here is the link: Ladies in Distress

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