Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd June 22nd, 2023 3,529 Views 0 Comments
Now, behold, the cry of the children of Israel has come to me. Moreover I have seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them. Come now therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh, that you may bring forth my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt. Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?" He said, "Certainly I will be with you." Exodus 3:9'12 WEB.
When Moses was a young man, he dreamed of freeing his people from slavery in Egypt. Once when he saw one of his people being beaten by an Egyptian taskmaster, he killed the man doing it and hid him in the sand (Exodus 2:12). When Pharaoh found out about it later, he sought to kill Moses. So Moses had to flee from the land of Egypt.
Moses went into exile and lived with a man named Jethro, who was a priest in the land of Midian. He married Jethro's daughter Zipporah, settled down, had kids, and tended sheep for forty years in the wilderness. His dream of helping his people slowly faded away.
Then when Moses was eighty years old, God appeared to him in a burning bush. The Lord told Moses that it was time to return to Egypt, but Moses began making excuses:
- Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh (Exodus 3:11).
- They will not believe me (4:1).
- I am not a good speaker (4:10).
- Please send someone else (4:13).
Moses had become a humble shepherd and thought his days of delivering people were over. Yet, God saw that Moses had just become usable. Instead of being washed up, he was just getting warmed up. For it's not who you are, but Who sends you. God often hides His people away until they become ready to use, just as Moses was hidden away in the desert.
In my own life, I graduated from Bible college when I was young. I felt like I knew everything and was ready to take the world for Jesus. Yet, I only met frustration and closed doors. I worked various jobs over the next twenty years to make ends meet, and eventually, I found myself working on computers. Long after I had given up on being in ministry, when it never even crossed my mind anymore, He decided I was ready, and today I am a pastor.
When I became a pastor, I had no desire to be in ministry. Where I used to feel like I knew a lot, I now felt like I knew absolutely nothing. I'd been hurt and disappointed by His people more often than not. I was content to continue just as I was and planned to continue working in our computer business until the end. Yet, suddenly, our business dried up. Every job door closed, the bills piled up, and we began to starve. Then I was offered a job as a pastor, and here I am writing this. Like Moses, I learned that the Lord can be persuasive.
So when you begin to feel that you are too tired, old, busy, or all three. When the dream that once burned hot within you is now cold and dead. There is still hope, for sometimes, God ages us, and He lets that selfish ambition die before He begins to use us. It's not by might nor power but by My Spirit, says the Lord (Zechariah 4:1). Instead of being washed up, you just might be getting warmed up. Your greatest work can be in front of you.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for bringing me this far. I pray that you stir my spirit once again. Revive me, Lord, and make me on fire for You. Please help me to walk in Your strength today and not my own. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: Ladies, today is Thankful Thursday at the "Ladies in Distress" group (our RHM women's group)! You are welcome to join in our weekly sharing of thankfulness for the Lord's presence and any blessings you may have experienced, big or small! "Ladies in Distress" is a private group, so if you have any problems joining, just post anywhere and we will help you :). Here is the link: Ladies in Distress
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