Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd August 20th, 2023 3,442 Views 0 Comments
It happened, when they had come, that he looked at Eliab, and said, Surely Yahweh's anointed is before him. But Yahweh said to Samuel, "Don't look on his face, or on the height of his stature; because I have rejected him: for Yahweh sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but Yahweh looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:6'7 WEB.
The Lord sent Samuel to anoint the next king of Israel and only told him it would be "a son of Jesse." When Samuel arrived, he found that Jesse had eight sons to choose from. So Jesse lined up the seven oldest. The first son was named Eliab, and he was tall and handsome. When Samuel saw him, he thought, "Surely this is the one!" But God told him: "I have rejected this one."
Samuel looked over the first seven sons of Jesse, and the answer was the same: "The Lord has not chosen this one." He finally reached the end of the line and ran out of sons to look at. Confused, Samuel asked Jesse if this was all of his sons. Jesse said that the youngest one was out tending the sheep. So Samuel said: "Bring him. He's the one."
It turned out that God had chosen the little shepherd boy out in the field who was playing the harp, singing, and tending the sheep. Young David had no idea he would become a giant killer and the next king of Israel. His destiny was about to get started.
The Lord doesn't look on the outward appearance as we do. He looks at our heart, the inside parts we like to hide. Why you do something is important to the Lord, like the Pharisee praying on the street corner. They wasted their time because they only did it to be seen by others (Matthew 6:5). So while praying was good, their motives were bad and nullified their actions.
Today, it will be the one that God chooses and anoints who will do His work. When God chooses you for a task, no one can stop you. Though it may feel delayed, it will come to pass in His timing.
God took David, the little shepherd boy, anointed him and raised him up to be the leader of His people. All without the approval of his brothers (1 Samuel 17:28). They looked down on David even while God was raising him up, but it didn't matter nor slow him down.
Keep a positive attitude. Don't let the trials get you down. Keep putting God first, and He will raise you up, even if it means outside of their circle. Only you can stop God's plan for your life. No one else has the authority to do so.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You so much for all that You have done for me. Guide me to where I need to be. My life is Yours. I choose to trust You today in blind faith. I cannot see what is coming, but You already know the outcome and can prepare me for anything that I face. You chose me, Lord, and I choose You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: Happy Sunday! All are invited to join us this morning for our RHM Live Online church service. This is a special time of worship, prayer, fellowship and an inspiring message. All are welcome! Here is the link to join: RHM Live
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