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God is real! My epiphany By David Wyles

Posted by David and Dianna Wyles March 17th, 2016 4,209 Views 0 Comments

God is Real! My epiphany

By David Wyles

 One morning I was lying in bed, thinking about God and groaning inside myself over the burden of sin (Romans 8:23). This had been going on for about 6 months, the moaning inside how it was unfair that we were born into sin and had no choice. The only one ever to have a choice was Eve, and it was not her fault. It was Satan’s!

 Then it happened.  A thought so loud and clear shot into my head like a bolt of lightning. I had never in my 42 years had anything like this happen before. I had been earnestly seeking God’s truth for over 20 years, praying, keeping God in my thoughts all the time, and finally, like a bolt of lightning it came, the answer. The first thought/voice (it was like both) was “It started with a whisper and ended with the death of a son. Sin has been brought to an end, you are free.”

 Right away a since of utter joy swept over me. Then I hear (in my head) “It started with one law and ends with one law.” In all my years I had never had a thought, with a voice, so bright and clear about anything! Finally, I understood, YES, we were released from the law through our faith in Christ! And through God’s infinite wisdom, with one act of love, he had brought sin to an end forever, and that the whole bible could be summed up in one word; LOVE! The perfection of love is the higher law. Love is the only law we are left with. God loves us so much he gave up his only son to reconcile a world of his children back to him through his love. This is a free gift.  All you need to do is have faith. Remember; never deprive yourself of the prize.  Always hold on to your faith for it is your power. Do not be misled by the evil one, who is constantly putting you through trials and tribulations just so you might give out and curse God or worse yet, lose your faith.

Remember, let go of the past completely, do not let hurt rule your life. Put away the old and give way to the new, namely LOVE. “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” (1Peter 4:8) Love forgives all things as if they never happened, the same as God has done for us. Remember; the evil one will get at you any way he can, so if your feel sad, depressed, and hurt from the past, if you yell, get angry at those you love, or feel like there is no hope…  Remember that is Satan; turn to Jesus and God and remember they are real and you are free from the burdens of sin do to God’s love for you.

  Set your mind on love. Remember, love has no fear. Love is compassion, which he showed us by giving us Jesus, so remember to always show others the same. Love is mercy which he showed through his underserved kindness and grace, so always show mercy to others as he did to us. Remember our only commandment is love. Love one another as you love yourself. Forgive freely as God has. May your love shine like a beacon in the night for all to see. Teach others about the ease with which we are being saved, namely FAITH. All you need is faith and the gift of love is yours free.

 If anyone else has had a similar experience, I would love to hear from you. If anyone has any questions about this, feel free to ask.

 May love rule your hearts, minds, body and spirit through your faith in Jesus, our Lord and Savior, and our Father, God almighty, Amen.

Watch the movie; Heaven is real, it’s a true story and I believe it was sent to us from God so we would know he and heaven are real.

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