Blog Post
Posted by David and Dianna Wyles April 11th, 2016 3,463 Views 0 Comments
Hi there:)
I hope this note finds you in good spirits and well. I am sitting here procrastinating about my job hunt this morning as that is what I should be doing but... I'd rather send a note to you;) How are you? It seems from your writings that you have a new found sense of peace that is refreshing you somewhat:) Praise God for all he is doing in your life! I also have learned a little more peace and patience which is what I am sure God is trying to refine in us... well that and forgiveness for me! I can tell as I keep revisiting the need to forgive lately and more often as if he is trying to move me past un-forgiveness NOW with no hesitation! It’s trying at best but in another way also freeing. Did you read my story on forgiveness or any of my blogs? I would love some input and encouragement on my writings as I am so very new to blogging. I’m more of a private journal person and the fact that God is guiding me to write publicly has been a little unnerving to say the least! But I am also trying my hardest to let go and let God guide... that leap of faith has been healing and frightening all at the same time. I am still trying to figure out how I can have so much peace through some things and yet at the same time have so much fear too. Maybe it's not mine to understand yet, when the time is right our Father will shine the light and all will be revealed that needs to be. One thing I do know is God truly does have good plans for us and when we align ourselves with His truth and love we can only grow in his Love and Grace. May the peace of God that surpasses all understanding be yours and may you encounter our heavenly Father’s love in action today… Like this... how did God make that heart cook like that? He's just awesome that way ;) ((HUGS))