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This journey of Faith

Posted by David and Dianna Wyles June 9th, 2016 3,705 Views 0 Comments

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path. Proverbs 3:6

I’ve been on this incredible learning Journey…

Changing my negatives to positives, counting my burdens as blessings, seeking God’s goodness and love…

Would you like to know what I have found?

When you Ask; it is Given > When you Seek; it is Found >When you Search; it is Discovered.


 I have observed that in asking for God’s peace and guidance through prayer and meditation in his beauty and grace, I am given the freedom to be all that God calls me to be. I have uncovered reborn faith that when I seek his peace and love a little longer in moments of fear, doubt or lies from Satan that I am not enough, I experience his peace and blessings shining bright everywhere I look, reminding of his love and pressing me to keep moving forward into God’s grand plan in my life, both eyes on him. I have discovered when I search for our Heavenly Father in all I see, I see his blessings in abundance surrounding me.

 If you are seeking, I mean truly seeking with your whole heart, to find God’s blessings, goodness, and wonder, you will not be disappointed! Our Father will reveal his love to you in the mightiest of ways! Every day I see and capture his heart blessings ONLY because I asked. I prayed and prayed to see his grace and blessings in my life, and then I would meditate on all God’s goodness and promises for a hope and a future, for healing and a joy-filled life in his will.

 I was not left wanting! My eyes were opened! I am no longer blinded by the bombardment of stress and chaos each day holds. I am still bombarded… I just see much more clearly that when I focus only on God’s love; on searching out his daily blessings, I can shield myself with his armor of truth and push forward past that ever present chaos / stress / fear / doubt / loss / anything >> to see the world of beauty and wonder that God has created for us to enjoy. We were not meant to live in hopelessness. We were not created to be mindless drones working for another’s profit. We were meant to develop and grow in God’s grace and love. We were meant to share with others, the precious gifts that God offers. We were meant to trust God completely to direct our path and step into all of God’s glorious intention for a hope and a future in him.

I am not suggesting one should not work and earn a living… I am suggesting you should let God guide you to where he knows you belong! If you are unsure what that looks like or where God is leading, I encourage you to spend some time in prayer asking for these things to be revealed to you. I promise that in God’s perfect ways and perfect timing, He will guide you if you are seeking Him

 Where is God guiding me? Well, it’s been quite a journey to say the least, but I see great and awesome things in my family's future now. I see our Father leading me to share his messages of love to a world searching for hope. I see a desire deep down inside me to encourage others to seek out those blessings given each day by a loving Father waiting to shower his children with grace and love. My longing is to encourage the young and the young at heart to seek his blessings daily, through trials and triumph. Today I see that looks like a newly published children’s book with a few more books in my heart to create and share. What it looks like tomorrow is in God’s hands as I surrender all my plans and put my trust in the one who holds my future and directs my steps.

A man's heart plans his course, but Yahweh directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9


Have you checked out my new book yet?  It's simple and child like in format yet ageless in content and inspiration :) my intent anyway :) let me know if you agree!  I know it will bless you and I'm eager to get your feedback! If you have had the opportunity to read "Heart Blessings A Children's Seek and Find" Please connect with me by posting a comment below. I'm really looking for input and reviews. Also, If you are a Facebook member and have been encouraging and praying for my new adventures in publishing I was hoping I could get you to hop over to my new page to like it and leave a comment please. The more likes I get, the more chance it has of reaching those in need of hope! Let's get this book out there so people can be blessed by it and we can watch the knowledge of God's love grow! Thanks so much for any and all your love, prayers, and support!



Biblical Refrences: NKJV and WEB Translations

Photography: Dianna Wyles

To order my new Book: Heart Blessings A Children's Seek and Find

To connect with me on Facebook:

Get a free Kindle edtion with the purchase of a printed copy.

If you have a need to be inspired without the budget to purchase, no worries! My deep rooted heart's desire for this children's book to somehow show God's beauty and wonder to a world that has yet to meet our awesome creator, and touch the hearts of those who already call him Father, far out weigh my desire to generate income>>> while leaving someone without.

Email me at

for a free PDF version

God bless >>> May you always see God’s love in action!

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