Blog Post
Posted by Jeffrey Smith September 2nd, 2015 2,346 Views 0 Comments
Psalm 91:3: Surely he will save you from the fowlers snare and from the deadly pestilence.
When we trust in God the Father, we can be confident in the knowledge that we will be safe in all conditions. A fowler is someone who hunts birds. He stalks and sets traps with the intent of catching and destroying the bird. Why did the Holy Spirit specifically point out a fowlers snare? Because birds are free. They fly, sing songs, and they are pretty much defenseless. They have no weapons. The Lord is showing us that we too are like a bird to Him. He feeds us, and covers us in beauty and sets us free. We are completely dependent upon Him to feed us and to keep us free from predators including the fowler. There is no predator that will snare us. This is important to know this confidence and this promise. The word surely in this verse is so important. The word doesn’t say, sometimes or, in certain circumstances, it says surely He will. When we fight for ourselves we can have limited success here and there, but with God we have the assurance of safety against the enemy who looks to ensnare us. Look to the Father in all situations and rest in this word.
The other part of this promise is from the deadly pestilence. Years ago, the bird flu was quickly spreading across the globe. There was a pandemic and everyone was covering their faces with dust masks. We have seen SARS, HIV, the flu in all of its forms, and in some areas we still see the plague. In fact there were cases of it in Colorado just within a month of this writing. We all walk in this world with concerns about becoming ill with some virus or crazy exotic disease. But when we trust in His word, we know that nothing like that can come near us. We have the assurance of the maker of the universe.
What is our part in all of this? Do we need to carry hand sanitizer, dust masks, and bio hazard suits wherever we go? No, not at all. We just have to carry the promise of our Father in our hearts and be reminded daily of His love for us. When we allow fear of these things to become larger than this promise we open ourselves up to believing that it is possible for us to be affected by it. Through Jesus Christ we have no more fears, we have no more need to be concerned about what can happen to us except being loved and protected by our amazing Father. I am not advocating for recklessness, and there is nothing wrong with hand sanitizer at all. But it is the truth that we can walk in the middle of a crowd of people all coughing and sneezing and have the truth of this promise deeply ingrained in our hearts. That is our armor, to know that we depend on the dependable, loving Father. He protects us and we have to fly free, with all of the security of His word. If you have fears when you turn on the news at night, just recall the promise of this verse and declare it over your whole household. Just say out loud, “Surely You Father, save me from the fowlers snare, and You Father save me from deadly pestilence in Jesus name. Say it in faith, feel it in faith, believe it in faith. God is not capable of lying, and when you know this, you are free.