Blog Post
Posted by Jeffrey Smith September 17th, 2015 3,239 Views 0 Comments
Psalm 91:4: He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
If you’ve ever seen a baby eagle then you know they look nothing like the strong, proud, powerful hunter they hope to grow up to be. When they are babies they don’t even really resemble the symbol for American freedom. They are so vulnerable and defenseless. They are completely dependent upon their mother to protect them.
God could have used so many illustrations to show us protection, but He used feathers and His wing to protect us, shielding us from that which could threaten our existence.
I think this is important that the Father gives us clothing and warmth. He gives covering over us that serves not only to protect our body, but to later become useful in flight, When baby eagles reach a certain age they lose the feathers that they were born with and go through a transformation with adult feathers. They have a new covering just like we do when we know Him. That covering is Jesus. When we are covered by Jesus we have a covering that will keep us safe from the elements and allows us to stay up where we are meant to be, soaring in flight, high above the fowler and his snare.
The Holy Spirit shows us that under His wing we find refuge. Staying with the idea of a bird, why the wing? Why wouldn’t He say tail feathers? Tail feathers are like a roof that would cover us from rain and storms, but we could still see what is going on around us.
I believe that the Lord uses His wing because it is much more intimate. Drawing close, under the wing has to be warm and comforting, and it is closest to His heart. Drawing us in during a storm or times of trouble, the wing would shelter us from seeing outward. When we are in the protection of our Father, we don’t have to be concerned about what is happening around us. We just know that in the place that He has us protected, that we are alive, warm, dry, comforted and at total peace.
He is our shield and rampart! We never have to worry about any storm or fear any fate that the enemy wants us to believe because it is not dependent upon our faithfulness. It is based on His faithfulness!
God is forever faithful and we never have to worry about Him having a bad day. He never runs late, or can't get His car to start, forget to set the Keurig timer for the morning brew, or get outside of peace. He is always in control, always at peace, always in love with you, and always, always, always, faithful. When we see that something is based on our performance or faith, we have reason to be concerned since we can waiver in those areas sometimes. But with God our Father, we can rest assured like a baby eagle under the protection of an eight foot wing-span, that no predator, no storm, no fears will break through. We have a choice, and that choice is to believe and feel the comfort of our Savior, covering us with all that we need. All the time.