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Posted by Jeffrey Smith October 22nd, 2015 2,697 Views 0 Comments

Matthew 26:27-28: Then He took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the remission of sins.
John 6:53: Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.

Jesus is our life. He is our sustainer and maintainer. We must commune with Him as often as we can. He tells us very clearly that He is the living mana from heaven and as we eat from Him we will live eternally with Him and the Father.
It is the blood that makes us free of sin and I want to focus on this part in particular.
Sin is like cancer in that it is so destructive. Once you start to sin, it spreads quickly, and to different areas of your life and can spiral out of control if not dealt with. I’m not suggesting that cancer is because of sin, only that it effects the body the same way.
The technical term for someone who no longer is being treated for cancer is in remission. This is the same word that Jesus uses for our sins. When we drink from the blood of the new covenant we defeat sin. Sin no longer has any ill effects on our body. Sin may happen and be around us, but it cannot harm us any longer. We have the blood of Jesus that puts sin into remission permanently. Does that mean that we will not sin again? No, we will probably sin that next 10 minutes, but the effect it has will fail to kill us or consume our lives. Why? Because we have the promise that the blood of Jesus, the blood of the new covenant is poured out for the remission of sin.
So for all of us who sin, there is one thing we can do for ongoing treatment. Drink from the blood of the new covenant as often as you can. See the death of Jesus, and the blood that He shed for us as the beautiful, life giving, death defeating promise that it is once and for all.
Give Jesus the praise for we have life in us those of us who share in the communion of Jesus Christ!

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