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Go to the source

Posted by Jeffrey Smith February 2nd, 2016 2,844 Views 0 Comments

Ezekiel 47:9- Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live.

Jeremiah 2:13- My people have committed two sins; They have forsaken me, the spring of Living Water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.

If you watch any survival show on television it is almost always the same solution to being lost and abandoned. Each scenario starts out with the idea that the people are lost with almost no provisions of food, water or shelter. They are in the middle of a jungle or forest with only a desire to live, and make it to safety. They are out in the elements, and so they quickly take inventory of the resources they have. The second step they take is to assess a strategy for being found. Water is the primary focus, followed by shelter, and then food.
Every single show I watch is almost the same. The people involved are experts in survival and they all have different views on life, on the "how" to survive, but they all agree on finding a river and following it out to safety.
This is the same way we are with the Lord. The Lord is our spring of Living Water as He declares in Jeremiah. We see that from Ezekiel, that the river is the source of all life. Where the river flows, everything will live. The river is full of life, it provides water to drink, it feeds the trees that bear fruit, and fish to eat. This is also the path to others. You see when we get to the river, we find all we need to survive, and thrive. Our source flows, and it brings us to a destination. If we get stuck looking for sources of water that are stagnant, we run the risk of drinking from water that is infested with parasites, or salt that is not potable.
The key to surviving in the wild is to not get stuck in one location too long. I have noticed that when there are difficulties, the survivalist move toward the abundance of the river, and even when they find a spot that offers quite a lot of resources like shelter and food, they never stay too long there either because they know it is temporary. Moving to the river will inevitably sustain them until they are rescued, and so it is where we are today.
We can never get too comfortable in an area that has resources, nor can we get stuck in an area of lack, we must keep moving to the sources, the life giving flow of the Lord. When you find yourself in the flow of the Lord, you will be sustained, and prosper. You will always be in abundance, and on a course to find life. If you feel stuck in life, and are in a tough spot, look for the clearing and make your way to the flow of the Lord to be healed, quenched, and fed. In Jesus name.

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