Blog Post
Posted by Jeffrey Smith March 2nd, 2016 3,257 Views 0 Comments
Isaiah 30:25:On every lofty mountain and on every high hill there will be streams running with water on the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.
The day of the great slaughter is the day Jesus was crucified. He brought down the towers that held the law of the pharisees. The law was meant to condemn, and the blood of Jesus flows to forgive. Through Jesus, we have the source of life, blood and water.
In the natural we find the most pure forms of water come from the mountains. The further down you go from the mountain, the further away from the source, the dirtier the water becomes. By the time the pure water reaches the major rivers and tributaries, the more contaminated it becomes. You
have to sanitize the water before you drink it. In the same way in the spirit, the further away we get from Jesus, the more sanitized His message becomes. Climbing the spiritual mountain to drink from Jesus is what cleanses us, and quenches our thirst. Freedom is found in drinking from the purity of Jesus.
When we drink from other sources, they may look good, look like the message of His grace, His mercy, and His truth, but they can become contaminated with man's version. Man's version is about condemnation, law, and slavery to an idea of works over faith.
Just because that water looks holy doesn't mean that you have to drink it. What is promoted as a way to live, with lists of behaviors, and is all temporary fixes to our need for nourishment. That is like bottled water, we drink it and throw the bottle away. This water requires us to drink more of ourselves and leaves us thirsting for more and more until we become slaves to the idea being right. It leaves us unsatisfied with our sacrifices instead of resting in all Jesus provides for us by His sacrifice.
Jesus came for us all, and in the process shamed the pharisee's and those who look to enslave us under the burden of living right, and not believing the truth. Jesus is the Living Water, and His sacrifice is what opens the pathway to the Father, the Lofty mountain, the highest hill that streams of nourishing love flow. How do we go to the source? We sit, pray, listen for Jesus to speak to us. Climbing the mountain spiritually is a lot less burdensome then climbing Everest. This is time in the word of God. This is time spent in silence, and waiting to hear Him. This is focused prayer. Go to Him, the true source, and drink, and taste. I promise it is good.
Father, thank You for Your son Jesus Christ who is our source. He is our savior and He is the Lord of our lives. Thank You for sending Him and clearing a way for us to be with You. Help us to go straight to Jesus for our spiritual needs to be met perfectly. In Jesus name, amen.