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Receive it!

Posted by Jeffrey Smith May 20th, 2016 3,291 Views 0 Comments

Romans 11:5,6: So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace.  And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace.

Ephesians 2:4-9: But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.

Grace is defined in biblical terms as kindness bestowed upon someone undeserving thereof. Hence, undeserved favor, especially that kind or degree of favor bestowed upon sinners through Jesus Christ.

We are so inundated with the word grace today that a lot of times it elicits an eye roll or a , " here we go again with that sermon." The truth is, the enemy does not want us to hear about grace because it is so liberating to the sinner. Grace and the true knowledge of grace will break the bondage of sin, poverty, self-destruction, sickness, and disease all in an instant. I have seen it, felt it, and experienced it myself. This is practical application that I am speaking from, not from the best seller list at Life Way Christian stores. 

I am not sure enough can be said about grace, because grace once fully received by someone will change that person’s life forever. Yet some of us still are caught up in bondage, sin, sickness, fear, and poverty. Does this mean that God doesn't think it deserving of us? No, not at all, that gift was already given through Jesus Christ, and yet it may be growing useless in the lives of some very devote Christian's lives. It is like the time you bought the treadmill. You bought it with the idea that it will change your life, and over time, other things got in the way. Eventually it became a clothes rack, and only resurfaces after New Year’s day for a about a week. 

Do we only receive grace after we run out of options? The rest of the time we just keep our heads down, work, give to others, stay away from sin.  And if we are really good we will get good breaks, and live a good life (sarcasm intended)? Well, if we see it as something that we are a part of, then so will God! If we focus on Jesus and His grace, then we quickly realize that we have access to His grace all the time, every day, every minute.  We have to receive this grace through faith. See it come to pass every second. 

This is not something we can work for as a reward. Just because we ate our dinner doesn't mean we get cake. The same is true here. We get cake regardless of whether we eat our dinner because it is not based on our merit or our works. It is a gift through our faith in Jesus Christ. 

Conversely, it cannot be stolen or taken out of the hands of Jesus for our own use.  It is to be received and not taken. I often ask for grace, especially using the word favor in prayer. I ask the Lord to help me navigate traffic because I am late a LOT of times. When I ask for that favor, a lot of times I see people move over and change lanes, lights turning green right when I am there. That is all in peace. But what happens when that doesn't happen right away? Do we say, ok Jesus, if You ain't moving these people out of my way, then I am going drive aggressively and take my grace and favor on my own? That does not work and it is not favor or grace at all. It is working outside of His grace and favor, and it is our work. Much can be said for what grace and favor are, but I am certain that if our minds and actions are in the midst of it, then it is works and not grace at all. When we pray for favor and grace we must understand that we have it, and it is always there for us, but we must know that His grace and favor don't always look the exact way our version may be at that time. We have to be open and at peace in the knowledge that His grace and favor will work in our lives for the better. Just because it doesn't look like we want it one out of one hundred times does not mean that you don't have His grace and favor. Don't stop asking for it, yet ask for it and ask for discerning to trust His way is above our way. Once you receive that discerning, you will understand His will.  It will always turn out the way you want it because it is in the Spirit that you are asking for His grace. Trust Him in all things and keep asking for that unmerited, undeserved favor over every area of your life and watch the prison doors fly open, the chains of addition melt away, the fear of sickness run away in seven different directions, and a life abundant take shape. In Jesus name. Amen.

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