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Rejoice Always

Posted by Linda Darlene Gibson June 2nd, 2017 3,841 Views 0 Comments

Rejoice Always from FAAD on Vimeo.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

     In my bible there is an Introduction to each of the books and in 1 Thessalonians it gives a brief summary that Paul (the writer of this book) praises the Thessalonians for being brave and not give up their faith ‘in the midst of severe suffering’ (1:6). It also explains that Paul instructs them “how to live in order to please God” (4:1). It is also explains that the time of Jesus’ coming is secret, so we should continue working until he comes.

      What an introduction!? When I read my bible I read it as if it was written directly to me. By doing this it brings it’s teaching to a more personal level. This book gives me such encouragement that it truly overwhelms emotionally. In 1:4, if we replace the words ‘brothers and sisters’ and change it to the word ‘you’, it would read like this. ‘For we know, you, loved by God, that he has chosen you’. God has chosen YOU! Is not this the most beautiful thing to hear? God has chosen YOU! He has a purpose in your life. Sometimes it may take us awhile to figure it out, but when we surrender to God and trust the process, the puzzle pieces will fit altogether. Once we get this figured out, we need to pick ourselves up and get going again regardless of how long the puzzle takes to be completed.

      We are all human, we have our weak moments and I for one want to throw in the towel so many times and more often times here lately than anything. But I read this and realize God has chosen me! He does have a purpose for me like he does for you. I have an overwhelming feeling of guilt for getting frustrated and defeated and when I go to my bible for help. God has never let me down to give me the inspiration to pick my head up, shake off the self-pity and get back to the work he has for me.

      God is in control regardless of what the enemy throws at us. The truth will always prevail. We all make mistakes whether they are small or some really big ones, but it’s nothing God cannot fix but we do have to put forth an effort to ask and get focused on the goal. When we go astray, the road is going to be rough to get things on tract because you know as well as I do that the Enemy isn’t going to let us forget what a failure we are. You see the Enemy needs warriors on this team and he builds that team from putting those thoughts in our minds that we are not worthy to be on God’s team. He brow-beats us to where we live as what unconsciously think we deserve.

      God has chosen YOU! And God has chosen me! Do you think God would choose someone that wasn’t worth it to be on his team? Of course not! If God finds such value in us as our bible tells us and the bible doesn’t lie, then why are we feeling less value in ourselves?

      The road can be tough but in chapter 5, verses 16-18, Paul tells us “Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Even when we change our lives and do everything we know is right, it can still be rough. But find what you need to do to get focused and ‘Rejoice always’, ‘Pray continually’ and most of all give Thanks in all circumstances because what you and I are going through now is God’s current will in our lives. Isn’t God’s will better than our own? Remember God knows what is ahead and as long as we refocus, he will not lead us astray.

      There is a reason God is choosing YOU and me. He sees something in us that we may not even know about. He is building us character. It is how we handle the tough times that define us. So let’s get up! We are his chosen people, He chose us so let’s make him proud as he does claim us his children.

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