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A Renewal of God's Spirit

Posted by Linda Darlene Gibson March 23rd, 2020 2,134 Views 0 Comments

 “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Ephesians 4: 11-12

For years, it has seemed our Nation has become so split in our beliefs. You could feel it among our families, our churches, our work places and even among our friends. A generation of people was being raised to believe differently from what our bible teaches us. As the generation of faith becomes older, we have become complacent of acceptance of what the world wants us to believe. As previous world war events occurred, it brought fear and anxiety among our Nation. Lives were disrupted but people came together.

Though it may seem we as a Nation has never been through such a time as this, but looking back in history, such a time as this is what brought the dying generation of people together and allowed them to grow in their faith and gain strength in God. I am sure we all can recall someone in our lives that have gone on to be with the Lord and recall great life lessons they taught us.

In my mind, it was my husband’s Uncle James. Uncle James passed away seventeen years ago at the age of 83. He and his two sisters had lived together all their lives, neither of them never married. It had been discussed years prior with my husband the one remaining living would come to live with us. In July, 2000, that day came. As we left the hospital after being told his last living beloved sister had passed on, James came straight to live in our home.  James lived with us for a little over three years prior to his passing. Neither James, nor his sisters could read or write. He was a farmer all his life and he loved his family. Everyone we came into contact with stated, ‘your family will be blessed for taking him in’ but what everyone did not realize, we were being blessed by having him with us then.

Uncle James lived through the depression, he lived through the war where there were rationing of goods, he lived through a flood where the water overtook his home and a boat of fellow neighbors rescued him and his sisters from the old barn loft they were able to make it too. He lived in a big old house that was heated by wood and coal. He had no indoor plumbing. He had never saw fireworks. He had never been to the beach and he had never eaten spaghetti. Yet, Uncle James never lost his faith. While he was with us many stated, he experienced many firsts while living with our family and that we showed him the world, but in reality James showed us the world, a fallen and broke world.  Uncle James was such a man of faith. Before bed every night, he gathered our young family together to say our prayers. Meals were served at the table where we discussed our daily events and prayers were always said before we ate. When events that seemed devastating to us, James would dismiss it and say God is in control, do not stress over such a time as this.

God brought James into our lives to give us a renewal of his spirit. He taught us what hard times really were. He taught us how communities came together and helped one another. He taught us what God wanted us to lean on today. As years has passed since the passing of Uncle James, today reminds me of the stories he told. There were no social media, there were no internet and there were no Walmart. His food came from the garden and his meat came from the cow or pig he raised and would put in the freezer.  It was a simpler time for Uncle James but a much harder time.

Today, this too shall pass. God was always with James in truly hard times. As I reflect back on my dear sweet Uncle James I can hear him tell us to not stress over such a time as this for God is in control. For it is during the times of struggle, we gain strength. Today, as the people of God, we must be a presence for a fallen world as my Uncle James was in truly hard times.  Today, disputes are being forgotten and the Nation is coming together. For you see, I truly believe God allows things to happen to bring a renewal of his spirit. May you always be humble, always be kind and find a renewal of God spirit within to share with our Nation for such a time as this.

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