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The Sand Castle

by Dion Todd January 21st, 2023

Everyone therefore who hears these words of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, who built his house on a rock. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it didn't fall, for it was founded on the rock. Matthew 7:24'25 WEB.When I was little and stayed with my mom for the summer, she took us to the beach. My brother and I built a giant sandcastle...

Bible Study: Gospel of John, Chapter Two

by Dion Todd January 15th, 2023

Bible Study: The Gospel of John, Chapter 2 from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Today, we are going to study John chapter 2 in depth. You can follow along in your own Bible if you like. I will be reading from the World English Bible because it is the only modern English translation that is copyright-free. I can read the entire Bible on video and upload it to the Internet without any legal drama...

My Redeemer

by Dion Todd January 15th, 2023

My Redeemer from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The book of Ruth is about a woman who lost her husband while they were living in Moab. Naomi, her mother-in-law, had lost her husband and both of her sons. After their death, Naomi returned home to Bethlehem as a childless widow with no income or means of support. Widows with no children to support them were among the lowest, most disadvantaged...

Running on Empty

by Dion Todd January 8th, 2023

Running on Empty from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The great Apostle Peter was one of the first disciples of Jesus and became one of His closest companions. Peter was nearly always with Jesus, and one of the inner three, along with James and his brother John. They were with Jesus even when the other Apostles were left behind.  Peter watched Jesus transform into His gleaming heavenly...

Broken Radios

by Dion Todd January 6th, 2023

Saul said to Samuel, "I have sinned; for I have transgressed the commandment of Yahweh, and your words, because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice. 1 Samuel 15:24 WEB.The Lord sent Saul, the king of Israel, on a quest, but he failed because of his fear of man. He told Saul through the prophet Samuel to completely wipe out the Amalekites. Yet, Saul conveniently "overlooked" the command of the...

Much Ado About Nothing

by Dion Todd January 1st, 2023

Much Ado About Nothing from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Jesus Christ pulled the veil back on the spirit realm and revealed the hidden kingdom of darkness and hordes of demons that live inside of people they call their "houses." What entitled fiends. They are like squatters that move in, act as if they own the place, and began bossing others around.  (Matthew 12:43–45 NKJV) ...

The Closed Door

by Dion Todd December 31st, 2022

When they had gone through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. When they had come opposite Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit didn't allow them. Passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. A vision appeared to Paul in the night. There was a man of Macedonia standing, begging him and saying, "Come over into Macedonia...

RHM Newsletter 40: Looking Back on 2022

by Dion Todd December 29th, 2022

2022 Year-End Wrapup from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for being a part of Refreshing Hope Ministries and taking time out of your day to read or watch this message. I hope this finds you blessed, warm, safe, and happy wherever you happen to be. This is our year-end newsletter, and I wanted to update you on what has been happening...

Baby Steps

by Dion Todd December 27th, 2022

Therefore don't be anxious, saying, 'What will we eat?', 'What will we drink?' or, 'With what will we be clothed?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first God's Kingdom and his righteousness; and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore don't be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for...

Little Lamb

by Dion Todd December 25th, 2022

Little Lamb from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Have you ever wondered what it was like to be on Earth the night Jesus was born? What was the world like then? What do we know about it? Well, things were complicated. It was a difficult time.  Under Julius Caesar, Rome had expanded to a vast empire that spanned from Egypt to England, which was called Britannia. Then came Caesar Augustus....

Friends Like These

by Dion Todd December 22nd, 2022

Yahweh restored Job's prosperity when he prayed for his friends. Yahweh gave Job twice as much as he had before. Job 42:10 WEB.There was a man named Job who went through a terrible trial. He suddenly lost everything, including his children, his servants, and his livestock. His wealth vanished. Then he became sick and was covered in painful sores and boils from head to foot. His health vanished.As Job...

Widespread Revelation

by Dion Todd December 18th, 2022

Widespread Revelation from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Sometimes we take great things in life for granted and don't even miss them until they are gone. Good health, loved ones, friends, a roof that doesn't leak, beautiful days, and the word of God. Those that have never experienced them may not even realize how precious and hard to recover they can be once lost.  An interesting story...

The Wonderful You

by Dion Todd December 15th, 2022

Which commandment is the greatest of all? Jesus answered, "The greatest is, 'Hear, Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one: you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment. The second is like this, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than...

Hidden Power

by Dion Todd December 11th, 2022

Hidden Power from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The prophet Elijah knew things about prayer that we could learn from. When King Ahab and his wife Jezebel were wickedly leading the nation into worshiping baal and killing off the Lord's prophets, Elijah came out of nowhere and boldly confronted them with a word from the Lord:  (1 Kings 17:1 NKJV)  And Elijah the Tishbite, of the...

Saddling Up Anyway

by Dion Todd December 10th, 2022

They told Esther's words to Mordecai. Then Mordecai asked them to return this answer to Esther: "Don't think to yourself that you will escape in the king's house any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent now, then relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Who knows if you haven't come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"...

Wrestling with God

by Dion Todd December 4th, 2022

Wrestling with God from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Men like Abraham and Joseph yield immediately to God's call, but others are people of conflict, like Jacob and Jonah. Though we want to be part of God's plan, we struggle independently, using our own strength until the Lord wrestles it from us.  Jacob was a man of conflict like many of us. There was both good and bad within him....

Be Thankful

by Dion Todd November 27th, 2022

Be Thankful from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Always remember to be thankful for what God has done for you. Jesus Christ lived on Earth as our example, and He was graceful, thankful, and filled with praise. We should try and live like that, for no matter what we have been through, there are still some things we can be thankful for. An important one is that you woke up again today. For some...

That Familiar Voice

by Dion Todd November 27th, 2022

Yahweh called Samuel again the third time. He arose and went to Eli and said, "Here I am; for you called me." Eli perceived that Yahweh had called the child. Therefore Eli said to Samuel, "Go, lie down. It shall be, if he calls you, that you shall say, 'Speak, Yahweh; for your servant hears.' " So Samuel went and lay down in his place. Yahweh came, and stood, and called as at other times, "Samuel!...


by Dion Todd November 24th, 2022

Yahweh said to Gideon, "The people who are with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hand, lest Israel brag against me, saying, 'My own hand has saved me.' Now therefore proclaim in the ears of the people, saying, 'Whoever is fearful and trembling, let him return and depart from Mount Gilead.' " So twenty-two thousand of the people returned, and ten thousand remained. Yahweh said...

Crossing the River

by Dion Todd November 22nd, 2022

Now after the death of Moses the servant of Yahweh, Yahweh spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' servant, saying, "Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go across this Jordan, you and all these people, to the land which I am giving to them, even to the children of Israel. I have given you every place that the sole of your foot will tread on, as I told Moses. Joshua 1:1'3 WEB.Painful memories...

Gifts That Keep On Giving

by Dion Todd November 20th, 2022

Gifts That Keep on Giving from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. One of the greatest and most fulfilling things you can do is to be used by God to help others somehow. Jesus said, what you have done to the least of the brethren, you have done unto Me (Matthew 25:40). And even giving one of His followers a cup of cold water will bring you a reward (Matthew 10:42).  Yet, we can do more than...

Gospel Amnesia

by Dion Todd November 13th, 2022

Gospel Amnesia from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. When Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem, they came to a Samaritan village that did not welcome them. The "Sons of Thunder" brothers, James and John, remembered the prophet Elijah calling down fire from heaven and wanted to do likewise: (Luke 9:54–56 NKJV)  And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, "Lord, do You...

Heart Medicine

by Dion Todd November 13th, 2022

A cheerful heart makes good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22 WEB.Health tip: Don't worry. Be Happy. You can add years to your life and health to your body by merely being joyful and happy. No one should be able to manipulate your joy externally because it should come from inside you.People, places, and things can cause problems, but how you react to events is entirely...

Resting in a Storm

by Dion Todd November 6th, 2022

Resting in a Storm from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Our Lord Jesus Christ lived on Earth as our example and lived a simple life of trust and peace. Once when Jesus and the disciples crossed the Sea of Galilee on their fishing boat, a great storm came, and Jesus slept soundly in the bottom of the vessel while the rest were stressed out. Jesus had learned to rest from stress.  (Matthew...

The Heart of Stone

by Dion Todd November 6th, 2022

I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will also give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes. You will keep my ordinances and do them....

Brothers and Sisters

by Dion Todd October 30th, 2022

Brothers and Sisters from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. I was raised to work hard and take pride in my work. I often turn it into a game as if I were doing it directly for the Lord. If I am making dinner for one of the Lord's people, I prepare it as if it were for the King Himself. If I am repairing a toilet at the church, it's the throne of the King. The way you treat the Lord's people...

Fun While It Lasted

by Dion Todd October 23rd, 2022

Fun While It Lasted from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Do you believe in God enough that it affects your behavior? Do you hold back from doing some things simply because it would grieve the Holy Spirit? Or does your spiritual life have little to do with your daily life? And why does it matter? (Luke 6:46–48 NKJV)  "But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do the things which...

The Possibilities Book

by Dion Todd October 23rd, 2022

Jesus, looking at them, said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God, for all things are possible with God." Mark 10:27 WEB.Have you ever faced a seemingly impossible circumstance that looked entirely hopeless? Jesus said that ALL things are possible with God. There is nothing out of reach or that He cannot do. The Bible is a possibilities book. It contains so many instances of God creating something...

This One

by Dion Todd October 20th, 2022

Jesse made seven of his sons to pass before Samuel. Samuel said to Jesse, "Yahweh has not chosen these." Samuel said to Jesse, "Are all your children here?" He said, "There remains yet the youngest. Behold, he is keeping the sheep." Samuel said to Jesse, "Send and get him, for we will not sit down until he comes here." He sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with a handsome face and good appearance....

Rise From the Dust

by Dion Todd October 16th, 2022

Rise From the Dust from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Moses was a fiery young man in Egypt, raised by the daughter of Pharaoh and reared with all the wisdom of the Egyptians (Acts 7:22). He was mighty in words and deeds, but when he turned forty years old, things seemed to fall apart.  One day he went to visit his people, the Hebrews, who were enslaved in Egypt. He wanted to help them,...

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