tithe the first fruits

Posted by Jeffrey Smith November 17th, 2015 2,315 Views 0 Comments

Samuel 1:27- I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord. And he worshiped the Lord there.

Hannah is a great example of faith, prayer, blessing, and fulfillment of a promise. A lot of times we can go through struggles in areas of our lives that can be very difficult. If you have an area of your life that you struggle with, then this is your hope. I hear so many stories of people in lack, and especially in the area of finances. Can you imagine getting a breakthrough in your life in the area that you so desperately desire, and turn around and give that back to the Lord?
Hannah did. The word says that Hannah's womb was closed and her rivals made fun of her for it. Hannah made a vow to the Lord, she offered her son to Him if He would give her one. Hannah, started praying in the Spirit. The word says that she prayed in her heart, and while her lips moved, no words came out. Her husband thought she was drunk. Praying in the Spirit opens the doors because while we may not know the right words to say, through groanings too deep for words the Spirit makes perfect intersession on our behalf (Romans 8:26). Eli, stood in agreement with her and asked the Lord for her prayers to happen.
Hannah received her gift, and after Samuel was weaned, Hannah committed him to the Lord just as she had promised. We all know how important Samuel became and the amazing value he had with God's people. Hannah did a selfless thing. She could have been selfish and changed her mind. Anyone who has a child knows the love and bond that is established from the moment of birth. Giving the child up to the Lord must have been so painful, but she did it anyways.
The one thing that she wanted more than anything she handed over.
What I want to point out is that this is a form of a tithe. Hannah gave selflessly the first fruits of her womb back to the Lord. She had no idea if this was her only opportunity to have a child after Samuel, but she trusted in the Lord. The Lord sees this gift, and not only does He prepare Samuel for a life of service to Him and God's people, but He provides Hannah with five children! The woman who's womb was shut gave birth to three sons and two daughters. I can imagine that Hannah was fulfilled and the area in her life that she lacked, became abundant.
God can transform any area of your life. I see this all the time with tithing the first fruits of your finances. If you are struggling in your finances, pray with your heart, and come into agreement with God about it. Then give the first fruits of your desire and see the Lord transform your life. I have seen this in my life. At first it caused some concern, because it was a lot of money going to the Lord, but you can never out give the Lord. If you are a part of a ministry, and you want to see debts canceled, savings increase, and a flood of increase, then consider what Hannah did.
Growing up, I worked very hard for everything that I had, and I struggled so much in this area. The thought of parting with the money I earned was so unnatural. Giving away money to me was for the very rich. I didn't understand God's economy. Today, I cannot imagine it any other way.
If you are in need of healing, consider praying for others in this area. Consider giving your time to help others with their ailments. Get in agreement with the Lord about what you can give Him. He doesn't need our money or our children. He owns it all already, but giving Him something so deeply valuable to you, He honors. He gives you so much more than you could ever give to Him. Trust in His grace. Give Jesus the praise, it is through Him we have access to the Father and His unending blessing.

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