Seasons Change

Posted by Dion Todd December 27th, 2015 10,561 Views 0 Comments

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck up that which is planted; Ecclesiastes 3:1 WEB

Springtime is so beautiful when all of nature is blooming, then comes summer and fall. Eventually winter comes and things begin to die. The weather is no longer pleasant and inviting as it once was. All seasons are necessary in the circle of life. Everything has a season, and in our life, it is often much easier to begin something, than to end it.

My wife and I once led an intercessory prayer team at church. It was great for quite a while, and the Holy Spirit was really there. In time however, we became restless, strained, and felt that the Lord wanted us to go in another direction.

At the time, we were taught that quitting something just shows that you are weak or lazy. So we shook this off as the devil, and tried to continue on as any good christian would.

After it became much worse, we asked for prayer from the church leadership, but we did not want them influenced by the natural. We had learned that leadership often supports you when stepping up, but it is rare when the leadership supports you when stepping down.

It is hard for them to hear God objectively when 'Who will take their place?' is flashing in their head like a neon sign. You may hear: 'You work in the nursery, and you should stay in the nursery, because that is God's will for you and ours.'

So we prayed about it some more and then wrote the question: 'Should we leave the prayer group?' on a piece of paper, folded it up, and brought that with us.

Then we had the elders pray over the paper with us, without telling them the question written inside of it. One elder, who heard from the Lord regularly in prayer heard: 'Yes.' All the rest agreed, 'Yes.'

When we opened the paper and they saw what was written, they were shocked, but we were free. He admitted that it was best that he did not know what the question was before because he could never have thought that was God's will for us.

There are seasons in your life, and what was once the Lord's will for you, may not always be. Be open minded about what the Lord whispers to you, and rule nothing out. Sometimes you have to say no to the good, so you can say yes to the great.

Prayer: Father speak to me clearly and in a way that I understand about the things in my life that I need to change. I realize that none of us can do everything. Help me focus my time and energy on what matters to You, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

Note: Good morning, and happy Sunday! We pray that you all had a joyous and peaceful Christmas. As we head towards 2016, please do consider RHM for your year-end giving, especially if the devotionals and online church have been meaningful to you. Many thanks to all of you who have already chosen to walk with us through your support; you bless us beyond measure. Thank you all for being here and have a blessed Sabbath day!

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