Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd June 16th, 2017 9,619 Views 0 Comments
Peter answered him and said, 'Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the waters.' He said, 'Come!' Peter stepped down from the boat, and walked on the waters to come to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was strong, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, 'Lord, save me!' Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand, took hold of him, and said to him, 'You of little faith, why did you doubt?' Matthew 14:28 WEB
Every Christian knows that Jesus walked on the water, but someone else did as well, Peter. Jesus and Peter were walking on the water together, while the other eleven disciples stayed safely in the boat.
Even though Peter was willing to risk it all, when he started stretching his faith and stepped out on the water to come to Jesus, doubt and fear came strongly against him and caused him to start sinking. Peter later had to face that fear again when he denied Jesus three times on the night of the crucifixion. Still, when Peter cried 'Lord save me!', Jesus immediately took hold of him.
Peter had faults, doubts, and fears, but he got out of the boat and walked on the water while eleven others thought he was crazy. Peter was still useable by God even though he had these problems, as long he did not let the problems hold him back. As soon as he started listening to the wrong voices in his head, he began to sink.
God will use you right now, just as you are. Yes, He loves you too much to leave you that way, and He will change your life and desires, but that is a good thing. In my life, there is usually one thing at a time that God is dealing with me on.
We all know what that one thing is when it repeatedly comes to our mind, and every sermon that we hear touches on it. Each time you open the Bible, there is a scripture on it. Work with Him, and like a splinter in your finger, let Him get it out and you will feel better.
Most of my life I have felt unqualified. God intentionally pushes me into deeper and deeper things. Each time that I would catch up and start to feel confident, He would smile and push me into deeper water and I would panic again.
Just a simple farm boy with no education, I soon found myself building load-balancing Linux mail clusters in data-centers and other technicians calling me for advice, and no one for me to call on but God. It was all to prepare me for the work that He has in store today, but even now He continues to push me into deeper things. I am always on the edge, rarely confident, and after decades, it has grown to be the normal.
The only thing that I am confident of anymore is this: God will bring you through anything that He brings you to. It really does not matter what it is, He will equip you on the fly and make you shine as long as you do not let your own fear and doubt hold you back. If you step out on the water, He will put a rock there.
The Lord still calls those who are willing to leave the safety of the boat and take a risk. But when you step out in faith, doubt and fear are going to attack your mind. Expect this. And if you start sinking, don't panic, just cry out to the Lord Jesus. He is not going to let you drown. If you begin to say that you cannot do this, then you are defeating your own self and will sink just like Peter did. Hold onto God, you can do this because God is with you.
Prayer: Heavenly Father I am holding on to You! Please help me stay the course for I put my trust in You. Lead me into all that You have for me. Take me into deeper water, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Note: Good morning and happy Friday :)! Just a reminder that the Spiritually Single group is hosting its weekly "Fast & Pray Friday" event, in which we do a short fast to contend for our "pre-believer" loved ones. If you''d like to join, you can do so with the event link on the right side of the home page (for computer users) or at the top (for mobile users). If you can figure out how to join, just post somewhere on the website and we will help you :). May you all have a blessed day, and a wonderful Father''s Day weekend!
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