Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd September 24th, 2018 7,524 Views 0 Comments
for the righteous falls seven times and rises again Proverbs 24:16 ESV
Once again, I found that it was I standing in the need of prayer. I was the man who promised he would never do it again, and then went and did it again. I had slowly drifted away, one more time. I have found that it is easy to make God promises, but it is often difficult to keep them. While laying on the floor in tears, and asking for forgiveness, I heard a faint whisper: 'Now get up, and let's get back to it for I have plans for you.' God was not interested in the past or my mistakes.
Everyone stumbles, everyone falls short in this life. When you do, repent and get back up. God is interested in your future, not your past. There is nothing behind you that can be changed, but today is the first day of the rest of your life, and it can be redeemed. You do not need to be limited by what your parents said about you. You do not have to live like your family. You can break the cycle and make a fresh start, even if you fall seven times a day (Luke 17:4). All you have to do is ask (and forgive others: Matt 6:15).
Still, the enemy will always try and remind you of your past mistakes in order to discourage you, but once you have asked for forgiveness, the Lord removes your sin and remembers it no more. We are to put on the 'helmet of salvation (Eph 6:17)' to guard our minds against attacks like this. When the past comes to mind, remember that when you ask for forgiveness, you will be forgiven (1 John 1:9). He is the God of seventh chances.
Prayer: Father, restore me and draw my heart to you like never before. Help me make a fresh start. Forgive me of my past and deliver me of the things that hold me back, in the name of Jesus.
Note: Happy Monday! Because we haven't been able to bring our RHM Live church service for the last couple of weeks because of the hurricane and other matters, we decided to spend this Sunday doing an update of what has been going on. Included in the video at the top of the post are some images of the hurricane aftermath. For those interested, here it is! September RHM News Update
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