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Blog Post

by Dion Todd August 7th, 2022

Sitting At Your Feet from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. About a half hour's walk from Jerusalem there, is a small hamlet on the eastern side of the Mount of Olives called Bethany (click on image to enlarge).  When Jesus was passing through, He was invited to stay at the home of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. Afterward, when visiting Jerusalem, Jesus always stopped by their house. Bethany...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd July 31st, 2022

The Weight from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The Apostle Paul wrote that the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men (1 Corinthians 1:25 NKJV). One day Jesus was preaching on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, and a large crowd of people pressed in to hear Him.  Jesus saw two boats on the shore, and the fishermen were washing their nets. So...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd July 24th, 2022

Grasshopper from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The Israelites who marched out of Egypt had witnessed major miracles. They had seen the plagues swarming over the Egyptians while the Israelite houses were unaffected. When they came to the Red Sea, the water parted before them, and they walked across on the dry ground. When they were hungry, manna, literally bread from heaven, appeared around...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd July 17th, 2022

Fall on Me from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Around 22 BC, Herod the Great built a major port city on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It was a grand city named for Caesar Augustus. They called it "Caesarea Maritima." This was over 2,000 years ago, yet forward-thinking Roman engineers built it. Caesarea had well-planned streets, an underground sewage system, an aqueduct that brought...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd July 10th, 2022

It Takes Two from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. It is a simple fact that if you never opened your mouth, you would never have an argument. I am including our text-based social media conversations as dialogue as well. In short, we are always part of the problem. None of our disagreements escalate without our help. I am talking about personal relationships and keeping the peace. People don't...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd July 3rd, 2022

The Way Maker from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The Israelites had lived in Egypt for centuries when the Lord sent Moses to free them from slavery. A hundred years may seem like a long time to us, but to the Lord, it's merely a dramatic pause. The Lord had told Abram what was coming long before it happened, and it began with his great-grandson Joseph. (Genesis 15:13–14 NASB) ...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd June 26th, 2022

Shackled from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. When given a task, we tend to look at ourselves, what we currently have, and our available tools. We mentally dig through our toolbox. Our solution is often confined to what we have already experienced, so we have limited vision and resources for attempting new things. Your mind can become shackled by your past.  The Lord sees more potential...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd June 19th, 2022

A Coming Storm from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The Sermon on the Mount is the longest continuous teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ that we have a record of. It was very in-depth, and Jesus taught a lot about common things people deal with every day. He covered topics like anger, adultery, divorce, oaths, love, charitable deeds, prayer, fasting, giving, greed, wealth, judging others, the...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd June 12th, 2022

In Tune from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. In Acts chapter 14, the Apostle Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch after a long mission trip. The Holy Spirit had worked with them to confirm their words with signs, and they had led many Gentiles to the Lord Jesus Christ. To be clear, a Gentile is anyone who is not a Jew. When they returned, they gathered the church and told them about the trip. (Acts...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd June 5th, 2022

Whitewash from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The Lord Jesus Christ had an astounding way of seeing right through lies and deception. This trait was both wonderful and alarming to those around Him. The religious elite of the day, the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees, grew more and more envious of Jesus. God had raised Him up outside their circle and without their approval. Jesus bypassed...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd May 29th, 2022

Will You Believe from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The word "Believe" occurs 309 times in the Bible (NKJV), and one-third of those are in the book of John. While writing his Gospel, John wrote "believe" 101 times. Apparently, he believed it to be a very important word. John was one of Christ's earliest Apostles and very close to Him. Peter, James, and John were often with Jesus when He...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd May 22nd, 2022

The Son Rises from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The Lord Jesus Christ took Peter, James, and John up to a high mountain to pray, leaving nine other Apostles down in the valley with the multitudes of people. Jesus often withdrew from the crowds to pray, and this time, He took three of His Apostles with Him. The Apostles grew "heavy with sleep," as they often did while Jesus prayed (Luke 9:32,...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd May 15th, 2022

Hidden Talent from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. One of the last public sermons Jesus gave was on the Mount of Olives and called "The Olivet Discourse." It was right before His crucifixion. Jesus and His disciples were at the temple in Jerusalem, and when they were leaving, the disciples were in awe of the colossal structure. Maybe they had wandered around sightseeing, for they began pointing...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd May 8th, 2022

Inspiration from Desperation from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. "Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together!" David wrote these words after the Lord rescued him from the Philistines. David was anointed, overjoyed, and an amazing songwriter. Yet strangely, his life was in shambles when he wrote these inspiring words. David worked hard as a soldier in Israel and rose...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd April 24th, 2022

Believe from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. When the Lord brought the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt, they crossed the desert and came to Kadesh-Barnea. It was an oasis with at least four springs of water. After traveling through the desert, I am sure they were happy to see it. Remember, anytime you see the word "wilderness" in the Bible, it typically means desert. The whole exodus for...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd April 17th, 2022

Resurrection Power from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. While praying about this message, I had a vision of a man completely immersed in a pond of dark mud. The mud was thick like gumbo clay, and it clung to him. It seemed alive, and each time he tried to escape from it, it pulled him back down like a suction cup. It was a helpless situation, for there was no possible way for him to get free....

Blog Post

by Dion Todd April 10th, 2022

Seek the Lord from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The book of Jeremiah gives us a vivid description of the Lord's backslidden people. They chased every god under the sun except the right One while claiming they followed Him. They had become more corrupt than the people the Lord had driven out before them. There were male and female cult prostitutes, and their new religion involved a lot of...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd April 3rd, 2022

Breakthrough from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. When two armies meet in battle, it can sometimes lead to a standoff. Perhaps one side is dug into defensive positions and hard to dislodge. Eventually, one side may perform a powerful offensive thrust that penetrates their enemy's line and carries them far beyond. This is called a breakthrough. After the breakthrough, instead of being locked...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd March 27th, 2022

The April Challenge from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Well, it's that time of year again! For over ten years, Sylvia and I have fasted for the months of April and August and witnessed life-changing events. In fact, RHM was born from fasting. We went into a fast one month, became unemployed halfway through it, and on the last day, the Lord pushed us into starting Refreshing Hope Ministries....

Blog Post

by Dion Todd March 20th, 2022

The Unseen Realm from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. I often find abandoned ruins intriguing. Some structure that people poured so much time, labor, and money into creating. Then it's just left to return to nature, time moves on, and it is forgotten. Everything in life that you see around you is temporary and will return to the ground it was taken from. Yet, there is another realm unseen to...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd March 13th, 2022

The Lawnmower in the Rain from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. When you neglect something, it begins to deteriorate. Whether it is a lawnmower sitting out in the weather, a relationship, or a gift that God has placed in your life. Many will look at themselves now and say, "What gift?" You are not the first. The Apostle Paul wrote this to the church at Corinth: (1 Corinthians 12:1 NKJV) ...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd March 6th, 2022

High Anxiety from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Something we see on the rise in the church is anxiety. It's true that we live in a perilous time. Wars are raging, and nations are under severe financial stress. There are random earthquakes, wildfires, and going to the grocery store can expose you to a plague. Yet, we are here for such a time as this and need to keep our emotions under control....

Blog Post

by Dion Todd February 27th, 2022

Knock Knock from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The hustle and bustle of life can get a bit overwhelming at times. There are often so many things pulling at our attention, yet there is something that you need to make time for. (Revelation 3:20 NKJV)  "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd February 20th, 2022

Fire Salt from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. I have a tendency to get deeply involved in the churches we attend. I always start out planning to sit in the congregation as invisible as possible. Still, almost inevitably, our technical background pulls us into the spinning gears. Soon, we end up as exhausted full-time volunteers once again. We have met some wonderful people by doing so, the...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd February 13th, 2022

Such a Time as This from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, "I believe that in dark times God is making lamps with which to remove the gloom." For every Goliath that appears, the Lord has secretly prepared a David, an Elijah, a You. A young Jewish girl in the Bible named Hadassah was living as an exile in Persia. Her father and mother were dead, and she...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd February 6th, 2022

Hope and Despair from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. The difference between life and death often has less to do with the strength of our physical body than our mental health. Prisoners of war who survived had something to look forward to outside the barbwire fence. Those who lost hope in the future fell into despair, curled up in a ball, and died. Viktor Frankl was a psychiatrist who survived...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd January 30th, 2022

The New Generation from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. When the Israelites came out of slavery in Egypt, the Lord instructed Moses to build an Ark of the Covenant. It was much like a treasure chest overlaid with gold, which contained the ten commandments carved on stone and some other relics like a jar of manna. The Ark was carried by Levite priests and kept in a special tent called "the...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd January 23rd, 2022

The Sword from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. We often get emails and comments about how timely a particular devotional is for them. Sometimes, they feel as if it was written especially for them. One man told me that the Word was so relevant for a week that it was like I had a microphone in his house and could hear what was going on there. How does that happen? (Hebrews 4:12–13 NKJV) ...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd January 16th, 2022

Dark Night of the Soul from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. Jesus once took five loaves of bread and two fish and fed 5,000 men and their families until they were full. He miraculously multiplied the food, and they picked up twelve baskets full of leftovers when done. The people who experienced the miracle wanted to take Jesus by force and declare Him the new King of Israel. For most men,...

Blog Post

by Dion Todd January 9th, 2022

Young, Hip and Rich from Refreshing Hope Ministries on Vimeo. As with most couples, Sylvia and I had separate bank accounts before marriage. I had my money, and she had hers. We each took care of our own expenses. But after we became husband and wife, we merged them into a shared bank account. Now we have "Our money," and each of us has access to it when it's needed. This will become more relevant...

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