Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd October 20th, 2024 1,433 Views 22 Comments
He went out, bearing his cross, to the place called "The Place of a Skull", which is called in Hebrew, "Golgotha", where they crucified him, and with him two others, on either side one, and Jesus in the middle. Pilate wrote a title also, and put it on the cross. There was written, "JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS." John 19:17–19 WEB.
We read these familiar words but often fail to see their depth. Jesus was falsely accused, condemned, beaten, stripped naked, and nailed to a cross. He was left there exposed to slowly die, naked, bleeding, and humiliated. Yet, He was entirely in the will of God.
How could that be? It began thousands of years before in Genesis chapter 3 when Adam and Eve disobeyed the one commandment that God had given them. All of mankind fell away and, after that, seemed to be unable to stop sinning on their own. So God arranged for them to be reconciled by giving His Son as a sacrifice for them.
The immeasurable love of God is revealed in the giving of His own Son. He redeemed us from our slave master and from the curse of the law. We were bought for a price. God took His own innocent Child and offered Him as a sacrifice for us.
Let no one make you feel unworthy today. Almighty God has chosen you and paid the ultimate price for you to go free. It's not because you deserve it or have earned it, nor will you ever. It's because He loves you. It's not because we are good but because He is good. Never let anyone steal that simple truth from you.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for redeeming me. You first loved us, and now I love You. Your goodness and mercy amaze me. Please walk with me today. Speak to me and through me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: Happy Sunday! For those who would like to join us, today we will be hosting our RHM Live Online church service. This is a special time of interactive worship, prayer, fellowship and an inspiring message. All are welcome! The service starts at 10am EDT. Here is the link to join: RHM Live. As always, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network.
Good morning, y'all, praying you have a blessed and restful Sunday 🌻🙏!
Comment from Dan Remley
5 months ago
Good evening Sylvia ❤️ I hope you have a great day. That goes for my whole RHM family as well ❤️
Comment from Debi Burton
5 months ago
Good Morning Sylvia, same with you! 🤟🏻
Comment from Candy Laventure
5 months ago
Good morning to you, as well.
Heavenly Father, I thank You for redeeming me. You first loved us, and now I love You. Your goodness and mercy amaze me. Please walk with me today. Speak to me and through me.You are my Lord and savior in Jesus I trust and will all the days of my Life . In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!