Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd February 14th, 2025 1,351 Views 29 Comments
"He said to another, "Follow me!" But he said, "Lord, allow me first to go and bury my father." But Jesus said to him, "Leave the dead to bury their own dead, but you go and announce the Kingdom of God." Another also said, "I want to follow you, Lord, but first allow me to bid farewell to those who are at my house." But Jesus said to him, "No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God." Luke 9:59-62 WEB.
Jesus called some people to follow Him, but they began to make excuses. Two said that while they would like to follow Him, they had some things to do first. The third one replied that he needed to bury his father. Though if the man's father had been a corpse at home, then he wouldn't have been there with Jesus. He would have been occupied with the funeral. So the story implies this man wanted to stay at home until his father died one day.
In this scripture, Jesus called them. They all said they wanted to follow Him. Yet, each one had reasons why they couldn't do it right now. There's no telling what they missed. They might have been listed with Peter, James, and John if they had followed Him. It could have been them walking on water with Peter and Jesus, but their life was too busy for Him. What a frightening thought, for I see the same thing happening today.
I've talked with people who desperately need a change in their lives, but they always put it off to a future date. Instead of getting serious with God, they would say something like: "Let me deal with this first." Then a decade goes by, and they still haven't dealt with it. Your life is passing by you right now, and there is nothing more important than your relationship with Jesus. Turn to Him now, and then He will help you put your house in order.
There have been times when I have stumbled while walking with the Lord, sometimes for long periods. Like the prodigal son, when I came to my senses (Luke 15:17), I would go and pray for a while, and every single time it has been: "Welcome back! Now get up, and let's go forward." I've never found the past to be a problem with God. The moment you are ready to face it, He will wash it from you. He knows our life is short, and He is only interested in getting the most out of the time we have left.
God knows our life is fleeting, and He wants us to make the most of it. Jesus asked those people to follow Him, and they began to make excuses why they couldn't. That tells us that not everyone who is called actually goes. So don't let your past hold you back from your future. The ones who made excuses went back home to their plows. You can do that, but the ones who followed Him became the ones we read about today.
When you stumble, repent, get up, and keep going. Take the risk, and don't look back. This is real. Jesus never said it would be easy to follow Him. The Apostles led lives filled with trials and tribulations, yet they were also filled with unspeakable joy. Let us be so full of the Holy Spirit that we bring change to our surroundings as they did.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, please guide me, teach me, draw my family and me to You. Use me today just as I am. If there is something that needs to change, reveal it to me clearly so I can deal with it, and I will! Please lead me into divine encounters. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! May the Lord shine His love over each of you this day! Also, today is "Feel Good Friday" at the FAAD (Fight Against Anxiety & Depression) group! On this day, we uplift each other with posts of encouragement and joy! All are welcome to join and participate! As always, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network. If you are interested in joining the prayer team, here is how to get started Prayer Partners.
Heavenly Father, please guide me, teach me, draw my family and me to You. Use me today just as I am. If there is something that needs to change, reveal it to me clearly so I can deal with it, and I will! Please lead me into divine encounters. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Thank you for this beautiful devotional, Pastor Dion. I do not want to be one who hesitates, for those who hesitate are lost.
Thank you for you for your Happy Valentine's Day wish. It is my birthday today. My birthday is special to me because my mother named me Barbara Faith. My Faith is always with me just like my name, Barbara Faith. I want to wish everyone at RHM a Happy Valentine's Day too. It's wonderful to have a birthday that I can celebrate with others. 💖
Comment from Dan Remley
1 month ago
Happy Birthday Barbara. I hope that your day is full of love and laughter ❤️
Comment from Marilyn Salter
1 month ago
Happy Birthday and Happy Valentines Day!
Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle
1 month ago
Wishing you a very happy and blessed Birthday, Barbara Faith!! ❣️💐
Comment from Shara Abel
1 month ago
Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Comment from Debi Burton
1 month ago
Happy Birthday Barbara Faith! Have a blessed day!
Comment from Sylvia Todd
1 month ago
Happy Valentine's Day and happy birthday, Barbara 💛🥳!
Comment from Lynn Brown
1 month ago
Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day, Barbara Faith!🎂🩷
Comment from Bella Colliander
1 month ago
Happy birthday Barbara Faith and a very Happy Valentines day. 🕊️
Comment from Gloria Nebarez
1 month ago
Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day Ms. Barbara
Heavenly Father Please Guide Me And My Family And Friends To You Teach Us How To Be Better And More Faithful When It Comes To You Amen Good Morning Everyone 😀
Comment from Dan Remley
1 month ago
Amen. I hope that your day was wonderful Yvette ❤️
Comment from Sylvia Todd
1 month ago
Good morning, Yvette, and happy Valentine's Day 💛!
Comment from Lynn Brown
1 month ago
Good morning and Happy Valentine's Day!🩷
Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone❤️! May Our Father in Heaven spread much Love ❤️, Joy 🥰, Peace 🕊️ and Happiness 😊 to everyone. Blessings to you ALL ❤️🙏!! In Jesus precious name, Amen 🙏, Alleluia ❤️, Amen 🙏❤️❤️🙏!!
Comment from Dan Remley
1 month ago
I hope your day was very blessed Marisa ❤️
Good morning, y'all, happy Valentine's Day 💝! We love y'all and pray that you have a most blessed day 🫶!
Comment from Dan Remley
1 month ago
I hope you and pastor Dion had a wonderful Valentine's day. I hope our RHM family had a wonderful day as well ❤️
Comment from Schalk de Beer
1 month ago
Amen, and you and Dion too Sylvia ✝️🛐
Amen and Amen and Amen, Lord Jesus, my Lord and my God! Here I come just as I am on behalf of my entire and extended family, including my 3 siblings and families, and all the many other people that You know of, including Kathleen! Please draw all the ones that don't know You yet as Lord and Savior, please open their hearts and their eyes so they can see You for who You are, and please reveal to me what I should do and what I should change!! Please reveal and draw by Thy mighty Holy Spirit, in the Holy name of Jesus Christ I ask and pray, Amen and Amen!!!
Pastor Dion, you are so hilariously funny sometimes I never thought of the scripture particularly that way that if the man’s father was a “corpse at home” which is a hilarious way to put it that he would not be there with Jesus. He would be busy with the funeral so for some reason that struck a funny bone with me and it made me laugh, but seriously it was a true and good message. There’s a thing happening around the country. It’s called “pop-up Worship “and it’s specifically designed for people like this that you’re talking about who are uncomfortable going to church and coming to Jesus, thinking they have to clean up their lives first or get ready to be prepared to change their lives, but it’s not true. They need to come as they are.but possibly if they hear beautiful Worship Music in a public place they might be drawn to it and come to the Lord, so there have been believers with Mobile music teams, setting up, pop-up worship bands in public places and that is my dream exactly !…our community is starting one this spring and I’m so excited about it. Just wanted to say that much thank you thank you for being humorous the way you are sometimes.
Heavenly Father, please guide me, teach me, draw my family and me to You. Use me today just as I am. If there is something that needs to change, reveal it to me clearly so I can deal with it, and I will! Please lead me into divine encounters. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen! ❤️🤟🏻
Lord, I am a sinner. I am so heartily sorry for offending you. I detest my sins because I fear the loss of Heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all, because I have offended you, my God, who is all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of your Grace, to confess my sins to you, repent of them and amend my life. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.