Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd May 25th, 2024 1,917 Views 25 Comments
For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:29 WEB.
I know a dad who bought his son a car because he had taken a turn for the better. Not very long after this, his son got a drunk driving charge with it. So the dad took the car back and sold it. I don't blame the dad. I may have done the same, but human gifts are often more of a loan, a bonus, or a reward than an actual gift. If we can take a gift back, it's not a gift, for it was never actually theirs.
God doesn't take back His love, gifts, or calling of us, no matter what we do. His goodness and decisions are not based on our performance or our behavior. Of course, we should try and live right, but He knows us better than we do. He didn't call us or give us the gifts in our life because we were good. It's because He is good and faithful to keep His promises.
When I was around twenty years old, God told me to prepare myself. For one day, I would be in the ministry and a teacher of His word. I believed Him and began attending Bible college. After years of studying, praying, fasting, spending long nights at school after work, and getting ordained, I had a train wreck right at the end of it. I went through a long, drawn-out divorce that got really ugly and took two years.
I resolved to just make the best of what I had left of my life, and I forgot about ministry altogether. I assumed that I had wrecked His plans for me. Years passed by. One day while praying, this verse came to mind, and I heard: "What I have told you, I will do." I was pretty sure I had messed up His plan, but I wrote it down in my journal.
In time, He herded me into the ministry like a cow through a loading chute. Now I am here writing this. Looking back, I see a string of unplanned jobs that He used to equip and train me for what we do here today. The things I learned while working on computers, playing music in bands, building websites for others, and even construction are all used here at Refreshing Hope daily. He used those years to equip and train me for such a time as this. Like Joseph, the things I went through only brought me closer to His goal. The Lord is faithful, and He keeps His promises. He was with me all the while.
No matter what you have done in your life, the same gifts, the same calling, and the same love are still there. It hibernates until spring comes. So don't distance yourself from God because you think you messed it all up. When the Lord gives us something, it comes with no strings attached, and He doesn't take it back. When your life is submitted to Him, the things you are going through will only equip you and bring you closer to your destiny.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for all You do for me. My life has taken unexpected twists and turns, but here I am, Lord, ready to serve You as best I can. Take me, use me, speak to me, and through me today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.” (Philippians 4:6-7) ~ If you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network
I just want you, Pastor Dion and Sylvia, to know how very grateful I am for this ministry you have designed and put online.
I'm disabled plus I have a very compromised immune system so I don't get out and go to church like I should.
I read your devotionals daily. It's a part of my morning hour with God. Every single morning I devote my first waking hour to Him. I don't know how anyone can think that they can live this life alone without God in their lives. I can't.
So, thank you for your teaching of His Precious Word. I am truly appreciative of you 🙏 May the Lord bless you both.
Sincerely, your friend in Jesus, Val
Comment from Dion Todd
10 months ago
Thank you, Val. The Lord certainly put us here for such a time as this. Before He put us into ministry, I had a vivid dream where the Lord took us to a 7 acre field that was overgrown with brush waist high and neglected. He explained that He really needed the harvest from this particular field, that it could be grown no where else, and that if we would work it for Him, that He would provide everything that we needed to do it: The seed, the tools, the equipment... We were working in our computer business at the time, but said, Sure! 🫡 Soon, we found the computer business dried up and ourselves in ministry, and here we are 🤔 I had no idea the field was the Internet, but looking back, it makes perfect sense. He had me spend twenty years working on computer networks and websites while listening to the Bible to prepare me for such a time as this... to encourage you. Think about that. 🫠
Comment from Sylvia Todd
10 months ago
Thank you so much for letting us know, Val 💛! We always had folks like you in mind, who may have some trouble getting to a local church, when we built RHM! God bless, sister, and praying for your health 🙏!
Amen. Here I am Lord. Heal me for Your Namesake so I can serve You again. I love you Jesus. Thank you Jesus for the power of prayer.
Praise report. Had my heart cath yesterday and all is good. I usually have bad reaction to anesthesia but had none. Praise the Lord.