Carry the Cross

Posted by Dion Todd May 28th, 2024 1,379 Views 25 Comments

He called the multitude to himself with his disciples and said to them, "Whoever wants to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it; and whoever will lose his life for my sake and the sake of the Good News will save it. Mark 8:34 WEB.

If you follow Jesus one day at a time, no power on Earth can stop you from fulfilling your destiny except you. Our Heavenly Father is mightier than all. He created the Universe, the Earth, as well as the stars. He also made us. He is not called "The Almighty" for nothing (El Shaddai Job 11:7). No one can take us out of His hand (John 10:28). No one.

It is when we choose our own path that we get into trouble. We sometimes follow the "I did it my way" path. Like Eve, we follow the lust of our flesh: "I know that He said not to, but I want it. I really want it!" Sometimes our traditions render God's word void in our life (Mark 7:13).

Taking up your cross and following Jesus every day is not an easy task (Luke 9:23). That is why Paul wrote, "I die daily" (1Corinthians 15:31). For all day long, we have to make small course corrections. Once the mind slips into the gutter, our body eventually follows, and we get slimed.

"But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one other, that you may not do the things that you desire" (Galatians 5:16-17).

Thank God there is hope, for His Spirit is there to help and guide us. Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:39). Make God a part of your daily life by asking Him to come and help you today.

When facing something difficult, stop and pray about it for a moment. You may be surprised by the results. When you fall, get back up. Take up your cross daily and be on guard against the wiles of the devil. Trust in the Lord and do not fear the enemy, for we are safe in the Father's hand.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your open door and welcoming arms. Please strengthen me and help me to see the world through Your eyes. Guide me into all that You have for me. Share Your thoughts with me today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!

Note: The Creation Photographer theme of the week is "Days gone By” or β€œMemory Makers" and is wide open for interpretation! Until we get our groups area going, we invite you to share your photos on the website home page. As always, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network.

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Sherry Mccosh commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your open door and welcoming arms. Please strengthen me and help me to see the world through Your eyes. Guide me into all that You have for me. Share Your thoughts with me today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!

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Susan Petho commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago


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Wesley Paulus commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago


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Wanda Pennington commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your open door and welcoming arms. Please strengthen me and my children and help us to see the world through Your eyes. Guide us into all that You have for us. Share Your thoughts with us today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!

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Mari Kaufmann commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

Oh God

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Scott Riegelmann commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

Amen thank you Father for walking with me all day long

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Liesel aka lisa Wardle

4 months ago

Hugs and prayers πŸ€—πŸ™

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Liesel aka lisa Wardle commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

Amen and Amen, Lord, "Thy will be done" in my life, please give me the strength to take up my cross and do Your will, in the name of Jesus, AMEN!!! πŸ™

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Debi Burton commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your open door and welcoming arms. Please strengthen me and help me to see the world through Your eyes. Guide me into all that You have for me. Share Your thoughts with me today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen! ❀️

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David Krull commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago


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Theresa Bright commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

Thank you Lord Jesus for your grace. Please stay with me today, I need you in my life as I am nothing without you. Thank you Lord.

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Elena Vasquez commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago


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Elena Vasquez commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago


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Lynn Brown commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago


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Yvette York commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

AMEN Thank You Father For Everything.Good Morning Everyone πŸ˜€

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Maria Williams commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

Thank you Father for being so patient with me. I want to do your will for my life.

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Bella Colliander commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

Thank you Father, for your faithfulness. Amen!

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Marisa Jackson commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago


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Kay Collinsworth commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago


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Linda Clark commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

Praise Jesus Christ for all my blessings

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Brenda F commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago


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Celeste Strenn commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

Amen ❣️

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Schalk de Beer commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

Yes, amen Lord.

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Dana Rozell commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago


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Richard Mondello commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Carry the Cross

4 months ago

In Lord Yeshua's name I pray this Amen.

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