The Star Lord

Posted by Dion Todd July 19th, 2024 1,343 Views 29 Comments

God made the two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He also made the stars. Genesis 1:16 WEB.

He also made the stars—what a sentence. I sometimes read this and am amazed by how much the Bible packs into a single verse. Humans cannot create a single star, but they keep finding more of them as they develop devices that let them see further into deep space.

Scientists estimate that there are around 300 sextillion stars now. That is a three followed by 23 zeros, or 3 trillion times 100 billion. My mind cannot even fathom numbers like this. Written out it in longhand it looks like this: 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

There are multiple planets in orbit around these stars and multiple moons in orbit around those planets. Compared with the universe, the planet Earth we live on is like a speck of space pollen. And we are only a speck living on that speck, yet fighting and dividing over anything we can think of.

From above, it would be much like watching ant colonies milling about, so busy at work, till a boot comes down. We really need to keep our life in the proper perspective and see the big picture.

The Awesome God Almighty that made the stars calls us by name, and He knows how many hairs are on our heads. He created all this, yet He will be involved in your life today if you let Him. Though He created the universe, He once gave me answers to questions on a math test when I asked Him simply because He cares.

Today if you feel worthless, put it aside. The Creator Himself has deemed you worthy of calling Him Father. No one else's opinion matters. Can the ones looking down their nose at you make stars? I am thrilled to know the Star-Lord, and that He knows me.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for creating me and giving me a place in Your universe. Please help me find where I belong and put me right where You want me to be. Guide me and help me make the right decisions as I live my life for You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!

Note: Group of the Day: Haven of Hope - Haven of Hope is a place of refuge for anyone who is suffering from the effects of abuse. Abuse can come in various forms including physical, sexual, mental, and spiritual. If you have comments that you would like to keep private, you can message the group leader. To join, just click on the group name and then the join link on the page that will follow. As always, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network.

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Shara Abel commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Yes Lord, guide me.

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Sherry Mccosh commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Heavenly Father, I thank You for creating me and giving me a place in Your universe. Please help me find where I belong and put me right where You want me to be. Guide me and help me make the right decisions as I live my life for You. Thank you for choosing me and calling me to be your child!! You have done so many amazing things in my life and I dont deserve any of these Lord. Thank you for sending Jesus, my Lord and Savior, to die in my place on the cross, all this I pray. in the mighty name of Jesus Amen!

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Wesley Paulus commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago


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Burma Welber commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Not only the stars but also the earth and His creation of us. How awesome is our God!
Just think about how old this earth is. Scientists tell us that our planet is about 4.4 billion years old. Think about that. it is more than 4 billion years old, that’s mind-boggling, and God knew us before that. He knew us and predestined us, you and me.
5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, Eph 1:5
(He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.” God knew us before we were even born. Not only in our mother’s womb, He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.” God's will was purposed from the very beginning, even before we were brought into existence, even before the world came to be.

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David Krull commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Amen Lord. Here I am. Ease my pain in Jesus Name.

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Mari Kaufmann commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago


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Liesel aka lisa Wardle commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

AMEN, this I pray, Amen and Amen!!!

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Susan Petho commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Amen! So awesome is our God!

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Marisa Jackson commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Alleluia ❤️🙏!! Alleluia ❤️🙏!! Amen🙏🙏!! Alleluia ❤️❤️🙏🙏!!

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Bella Colliander commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago


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Cathy Webb commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

What an inspiring message to help me put God's perspective into this day! Thank you, Pastor Dion! Praising You, Lord, for Your grace and blessing today. 🙏

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Theresa Bright commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Amen 🙏🏻

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Laura Clark commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago


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Debi Burton commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Heavenly Father, I thank You for creating me and giving me a place in Your universe. Please help me find where I belong and put me right where You want me to be. Guide me and help me make the right decisions as I live my life for You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen! ❤️🤟🏻

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Yvette York commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

AMEN Good Morning Everyone 😀

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Lynn Brown

1 month ago

Good morning!🌞

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Sylvia Todd

1 month ago

Good morning, Yvette, God bless 😀!

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Sylvia Todd commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Good morning, y'all, happy Friday 🌻!

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Lynn Brown

1 month ago

Happy Friday RHM! 😀

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Scott Riegelmann commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Good morning RHM family I love you

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Lynn Brown

1 month ago

Good morning, Scott! Love you too 🧡

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Lynn Brown commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

This is such a hopeful and loving message. Thank You Pastor Dion!

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Scott Riegelmann commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Amen thank you Father

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Bill Fair commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago


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Wanda Pennington commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Yes, Lord, Amen

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Kay Collinsworth commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago


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Candy Laventure commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Praise the Lord. Amen!

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Brenda F commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago


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Celeste Strenn commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

I just love this❣️what a might awesome adorable God 🌟and star Lord 🌟wow🌟

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Gloria Nebarez commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Lord guide me where you want me to be, so I can do work for you. Our world is/becoming an ugly, nasty place, we/they need you Lord. Show me, teach me, how I can help them, in Jesus name I pray! Thank you Jesus.

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Dana Rozell commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago


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Schalk De beer commented on Dion Todd's blog post: The Star Lord

1 month ago

Yes my Lord and Father, in Jesus's name I pray this, amen.

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