Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd September 18th, 2024 1,814 Views 33 Comments
Out of the same mouth comes blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring send out from the same opening fresh and bitter water? Can a fig tree, my brothers, yield olives, or a vine figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh water. James 3:10-12 WEB.
Hot, tired, and aggravated, I pulled the starting cord on the weed eater for the forty-third time. Once again, it sputtered, ran a second, and died. After being primed, choked, and pulled until blisters had risen and busted on my hands, the stubborn little torture device still refused to run for more than a second at a time.
As Esau did with Jacob, I comforted myself with the thought of destroying it. Thoughts ran through my mind of bending it around a nearby tree. Though entirely frustrated, I felt a tiny urge to pray, which had to be the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I certainly didn't feel like praying, but I finally paused and said:
"Lord Jesus, please help me with this."
I took a deep breath and pulled the cord one more time. The weed eater started up and ran perfectly. I finished cutting the grass without any more problems, wishing I had just stopped and prayed sooner.
The help that we need is often just a prayer away. Yet, we usually try to do it without Him rather than asking the Lord for His help. Be sure to involve God in your life today on every level. He cares about the little things that upset us. I have found that if it matters to you, it matters to Him.
It doesn't mean that you will never have to endure something, but you don't have to endure everything if you take the time to ask for His help. He let me fail to start the weed eater forty-three times. Yet, when I stopped and asked Him, He fixed it immediately.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for being there for me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I choose to put my trust in You. Please remind me to call on You instead of becoming frustrated today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: If you are interested in joining any of our small groups, we would love to see you! To find out more, just click on the group name and then the join link on the page that will follow. As always, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network.
Amen! I love how God cares about even the little things that upset us in our daily lives. We just need to remember to ask Him for help. I recall, in the past when I have misplaced something and could not find it. I looked and looked, and became more and more frustrated. Finally, when I asked God to help me, somehow I was able to find it! That was God answering my prayer! He is so good! I thanked Him right away!
Heavenly Father, I thank You for being there for me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I choose to put my trust in You. Please remind me to call on You instead of becoming frustrated today. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen! Thank you this is a needed reminder to always reach out to God with all of our needs. We try too many time do just do life on our own when God is standing right there waiting for us to just ask Him for help.
Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle
6 months ago
Amen and Amen, Sherry, and so true!!
I pray that prayer too: I thank You God for being there for me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I choose to put my trust in You. Please remind me to call you You instead if being frustrated. In Jesus' name, Amen!
I have been wanting to nudge my brother, waiting for him to go visit the home where I have chosen to live. My sister called him Monday morning. He hasn't been there this week...only 2 more days in the week. It is helping me to decide...I will wait until after the 1st of the year.
A good thing about Philip....we had been having meals together, but with the loud talking, we had to talk loudly and eerybody was hearing our "business" aka relationship. I finally had enough when he was angry about me thinking about moving, and I have let him know a few times. I also told him my brother will make the decision, and then I will make the decision.
After this last time of us disagreeing. I thought twice a day, we can go sit on the front patio and talk...morning and evening. That has seemed to help. In the dining room, we write notes. Silence is golden!!!
Thank you Heavenly Father for your Son, our Savior. This world is being shaken and warned with floods, droughts, crop losses, war, and deception. Please help us be an extension of you and become a light in this darkening, hungry, angry, suffering world. Help us to increase your return to our fullest capacity and prepares those who don’t know you for your coming harvest. Give us peace and clarity, that peace that surpasses understanding, in Jesus name.