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Mighty Rushing Wind

Posted by Dion Todd November 4th, 2024 1,687 Views 27 Comments

During Hurricane Hugo, I saw a barn fall from the sky and land in the middle of the road, but you couldn't see the wind that did it. You could hear it roaring, and the wind would almost blow you down, but it was invisible to the eye.

Though we can't see the wind blowing, we can certainly observe its effects and feel the air movement on our skin. For example, you can see someone's hair blowing in the wind, even though you can't see the wind itself, which is causing it to move. The wind can surround you and move large ships across the sea. Unseen forces can be very powerful.

(John 20:21–22 NKJV) So Jesus said to them again, "Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you." And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit."

Jesus breathed on the Apostles and told them to "Receive the Holy Spirit." The word translated as Spirit is the Greek word 'pneuma,' which is the root of the English word pneumatic, as in pneumatic-powered or air-powered tools. The Holy Spirit is the invisible breath of God, capable of surrounding and overshadowing us.

Jesus had been arrested and crucified on the day of Passover, but He remained on Earth for about forty days after His resurrection, appearing to many, including the Apostles. It was a perilous time to be an Apostle of Jesus Christ, and they were likely tempted to leave the city to avoid arrest and death. However, Jesus instructed them to remain in Jerusalem until they were clothed with "Power from on high."

(Luke 24:49 NASB) "And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high."

In Acts 2, the promise of the Father came as a Mighty Rushing Wind. That Wind brought the "Power from on high" and ushered the power of heaven down to Earth. God's Holy Spirit covered and filled the disciples.

(Acts 2:1–4 NKJV) When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

There were about 120 disciples of Jesus gathered together in the upper room that day, including Mary and Peter. They were 'all' filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues, including Mother Mary. Things changed dramatically that day; they transitioned from hiding in an inner room to preaching boldly in the streets, resulting in about 3,000 people being saved on that first day.

They were now "clothed with power from on high." The Greek word for power used there is 'dynamis,' which is where we derive the English word "dynamite." Jesus had given them simple instructions to receive the Holy Spirit:

(John 14:15–16 NKJV) "If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever"

Notice the 'forever' part and remember it the next time someone tries to tell you that the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts died with the last Apostle. That nonsense is not in the Bible. The Holy Spirit is just as real and present today as He was then. So are Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers, who are given to build the Body of Christ and will be here until the end (Ephesians 4:11).

Jesus went to heaven, and He usually stays there. I say 'usually' because Jesus apparently returned to see Paul when he was in prison (Acts 23:11). So, while Jesus may visit Earth from time to time, in general, it is the Holy Spirit with whom we interact on a day-to-day basis. Jesus ascended to heaven, and the Holy Spirit descended like a Mighty Rushing Wind. He has been here ever since and will continue to be. Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the Helper:

(John 16:7 NASB) "But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.

Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as "The Helper." Think about that for a moment. What do most people on Earth need today? Help in some form.

The Greek word used here for Helper is "paraklētos" (Strong's concordance #3875), meaning: "The Helper, Counselor, Encourager, Mediator, Assistant, Legal Advisor." That is who Jesus was sending, and He would be as invisible as the wind. You may never see the Holy Spirit, but you can feel His presence and observe His effect on your surroundings.

Religion often portrays God as distant and difficult to connect with, but the truth is that He is as close as the wind that you feel on your skin. He is in the operating room with you. He is in the courtroom with you. He is even watching television with you. "You Are the Air I Breathe" is a fitting description of the presence of the Holy Spirit.

When you need help, He is the Helper. When you seek counseling, He is the Counselor. When you need encouragement, He is the Encourager. When you seek comfort, He is the Comforter. Moreover, He will be all those things through you to others if you allow Him.

For example, Sylvia and I served at the church coffee counter on Sundays, and we got to know everyone there. One night, the Lord gave me a vivid dream of a couple we knew, and I remembered that I had not seen them at church lately. In the dream, they were hurt and covered in painful sores. I had a salve that I applied to their wounds, and it healed them. They were so grateful that they began weeping.

So I called them the following day, and we all went out to dinner. As we talked, they revealed that another couple's actions had hurt them, leading them to stop attending. Since Sylvia and I worked at the coffee counter and knew everyone, we were also aware of the other couple and recognized that what had happened was a misunderstanding. The enemy was attempting to convince them that everyone hated them when nothing could be further from the truth. We all prayed together, wept together, and they returned to the church restored. Sometimes, the Lord will send you to recover His injured sheep.

Now, God generally works through His people much like that, for we are His hands and feet on Earth. If you need help, the Holy Spirit may prompt one of His followers to come, but in certain circumstances, He may choose to act on His own. Perhaps the person He intends to use will not yield to His prompting, and therefore, He has to intervene Himself.

For example, we know a couple that desperately needed $1,200. When they opened their dryer, twelve $100 bills unexpectedly blew out of it. We also know another couple who needed money, and while cleaning out an abandoned storage unit, they discovered $10,000 in a desk drawer. He is God. He does what He wants, and He has no limits.

God is not limited to our understanding or to what is written in the Bible. He created the Bible, and a creation cannot contain the Creator. The Bible serves as Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. There is so much more to learn in the days to come.

So when you are all alone, and it seems that no one cares, that all is lost, and there is no reason to carry on, remember the wind you feel on your face. In moments when all your hope is gone, think of the precious Holy Spirit who is here with us right now.

You can pray this with me if you like:

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and let me feel Your presence right here, right now. Help me recognize when You are speaking to me. Help me remember that You are the God of now, and You are here. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Note: The Creation Photographers group theme of the week is "An Attitude of Gratitude". All are welcome to join in with the theme or post anything that inspires you! To join, just click on the group name and then the join link on the page that will follow. As always, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network.

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Post from Kevin J. Eck

Kevin J. Eck commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit. Who is always presence and guiding, help us to recognize you when you are speaking to us. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

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Comment from Susan Petho

3 months ago


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Comment from Debi Burton

4 months ago


Post from Wanda Pennington

4 months ago

Heavenly Father, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and let me feel Your presence right here, right now. Help me recognize when You are speaking to me. Help me remember that You are the God of now, and You are here. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. I was talking with my 8 years old grandson about this same thing last night as we were about to say prayers before bedtime. He was upset cause he was having trouble learning some new techniques with is martial arts and wanted to quit after 18 months of being in the class. He's only 2 steps from junior black belt. Please RHM brothers and sisters please say a prayer for Austin today. His father ( my son ) and mother are divorced and he's down on himself enough. This class has helped him so much. Thank you everyone. In Jesus Name I ask and pray, Amen

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Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle

4 months ago

Dear Lord, we lift up this precious 8 year old boy, please fill his heart with love, joy and peace, heal his heart as I'm sure he's hurting because of his mother's and father's divorce, please give him confidence and self esteem continuing on with his martial arts training, please bless him and his loving Grandma, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, AMEN!!

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4 months ago

Lord, please send Austin your Holy Spirit. Fill him with confidence and help him correct the issues he's have in karate class. Bring him happiness. In Jesus name I pray Amen ❤️

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4 months ago

Thank you for your prayers over my precious grandson 🥰🙏❤

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4 months ago

Thank you so much for praying over Austin. 🙏

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3 months ago


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3 months ago

Praying for Austin!

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Comment from Deng Tembreza

4 months ago

WE PRAISE THEE LORD. Prayed for Austin.

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Comment from Debi Burton

4 months ago


Post from Susan Petho

Susan Petho commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

3 months ago


Post from Wesley Paulus

Wesley Paulus commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago


Post from Debi Burton

Debi Burton commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Heavenly Father, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and let me feel Your presence right here, right now. Help me recognize when You are speaking to me. Help me remember that You are the God of now, and You are here. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. ❤️🤟🏻

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Comment from Dan Remley

4 months ago

Amen Debi ❤️

Post from Sylvia Todd

Sylvia Todd commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Good morning, y'all, praying you have a most blessed Monday! 😀💛🙏

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Comment from Dan Remley

4 months ago

Good evening Sylvia and pastor Dion. I hope my RHM family had a great and safe day. I love you ❤️

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Comment from Debi Burton

4 months ago

Good Morning Sylvia and Everyone in RHM family! Have a blessed Monday!

Post from Mark Williams

Mark Williams commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Holy Spirit,You are welcome here and help me to realize it more and more. "When you need help, He is the Helper. When you seek counseling, He is the Counselor. When you need encouragement, He is the Encourager. When you seek comfort, He is the Comforter. Moreover, He will be all those things through you to others if you allow Him."

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Comment from Dan Remley

4 months ago

Amen Mark and well said brother ❤️

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Comment from Debi Burton

4 months ago


Post from Yvette York

Yvette York commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Amen Good Morning Everyone Have A Bless Week😀

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Comment from Dan Remley

4 months ago

Good evening Yvette ❤️

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Comment from Sylvia Todd

4 months ago

Good morning, Yvette 😀!

Post from Scott Riegelmann

4 months ago

Amen, Thank you Father for bringing me to RHM I have learned so much and I'm grateful it's AWESOME to watch the Holy Spirit move, Thank you Jesus for sending me the comforter and all my many blessings over the years I love you.

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Comment from Dan Remley

4 months ago

Amen Scott ❤️ I agree with you completely and understand how you feel. I feel the exact same way brother❤️

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Comment from Liesel aka lisa Wardle

4 months ago

Amen and Amen, brother!!! Please know that you're in my prayers and your granddaughter as well!!! 🙏🤗

Post from Dan Remley

Dan Remley commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Lord, please send your Holy Spirit and let me feel Him all around me. I have felt this many times. It is a warm feeling. It made me feel content and happy. Thank you Father for being there for me. Amen ❤️

Post from Mari Kaufmann

Mari Kaufmann commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Amen Amen

Post from Liesel aka lisa Wardle

4 months ago

AMEN and AMEN!!! So very blessed again to attend Sunday morning service again, starting out another week hearing God's words which seem to be just what I needed to hear!! I had been so discouraged and depressed, and yet hope filled my heart again, and I felt so encouraged and lifted up, ready to face another week, knowing that the Lord is with me and all that I care about and care for!! So very thankful for the gift of the Holy Spirit our Lord left behind for us, it is like a precious down payment, no, more of a deposit, that our Lord left behind, who fills us again and again, seals us, draws us, comforts us, intercedes for us and regenerates us!! Our Lord doesn't abandon us, even in times that we feel abandoned!!! Thank you Lord Jesus!!! 🙏❤️

Post from David Krull

David Krull commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Amen Lord. Yes Jesus.

Post from Burma Welber

Burma Welber commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Praise the Lord for the Holy Spirit's work within us, through us, and around us. His presence is everything to me.

Post from Marisa Jackson

Marisa Jackson commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Amen!! 🙏🙏!! Amen 🙏🙏!! Amen 🙏❤️🙏!!

Post from Schalk de Beer

Schalk de Beer commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Yes, amen Lord.

Post from Theresa Bright

Theresa Bright commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Thank you for always being beside me Lord 🙏🏻

Post from Elena Vasquez

Elena Vasquez commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago


Post from Valeri Frank

Valeri Frank commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Thank you Lord for sending me the Holy Spirit in my hour of need. I didn't even have to ask. So many prayers lifted up for me... Sometimes it's hard to wrap my mind around just how loved I truly am. Thank you Jesus... 🙏🏼❤️

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Comment from Debi Burton

4 months ago


Post from Candy Laventure

4 months ago


Post from Laura Clark

Laura Clark commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Amen!! 🙏

Post from Kay Collinsworth

4 months ago


Post from Gloria Nebarez

Gloria Nebarez commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago


Post from Brenda F

Brenda F commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago


Post from Celeste Strenn

Celeste Strenn commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

Amen ❣️

Post from Dana Rozell

Dana Rozell commented on Dion Todd's blog post: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago


Post from Dion Todd

Dion Todd added a new video devotional: Mighty Rushing Wind

4 months ago

During Hurricane Hugo, I saw a barn fall from the sky and land in the middle of the road, but you couldn't see the wind that did it. You could hear it roaring, and the wind would almost blow you down, but it was invisible to the eye. Though we can't see the wind blowing, we can certainly observe its effects and feel the air movement on our skin. For example, you can see someone's hair blowing... Read the full post here: Mighty Rushing Wind

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