Blog Post
Posted by Dion Todd January 24th, 2025 1,530 Views 33 Comments
Saul sought to pin David to the wall with the spear; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he stuck the spear into the wall. David fled, and escaped that night. 1 Samuel 19:10 WEB.
King Saul became jealous of his son-in-law David who had become very popular with the people. Completely consumed by rage, he attempted to murder David with a spear, but David evaded him and left the city. King Saul became an evil man. Though he had refused to kill all the Amalekites when the Lord asked him to (1 Samuel 15:9), he was fine with wiping out the Lord's priests, their families, and their livestock (1 Samuel 22:19).
Once David literally caught Saul with his trousers down. The men with David in the cave thought it was a gift from God. Here was Saul on a platter, but David spared his life (1 Samuel 24:4). Another time, David and Abishai crept up on Saul while he was sleeping and took his spear. Abishai wanted to finish the job and pin Saul to the ground, saying, "I won't have to strike him twice" (1 Samuel 26:8), but again David spared Saul's life.
David had an opportunity to kill Saul time after time, but he refrained. David was a better man, and because of the calling on his life, he wouldn't stoop to Saul's level. David had killed thousands of men in battle, including the giant Goliath. He certainly wasn't afraid of Saul. David wanted to do the right thing. He wanted to please God, and he wouldn't harm the one that God had anointed as king. Instead, he waited on God to make things right. The day finally came when God removed Saul, and David replaced him as king.
God sees what you are going through, and He has an amazing memory. His delay is not His denial. So don't stoop to your enemies' level. Because of your calling, you need to take the high ground. In time, God will make things right. Two wrongs will never equal right, but right will always be right.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank You for waking me up this day. Please give me the grace to overcome, the wisdom to make the right decisions, and the strength to stand strong when all the winds blow against me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!
Note: Today is "Feel Good Friday" at the FAAD (Fight Against Anxiety & Depression) group! On this day, we uplift each other with posts of encouragement and joy! All are welcome to join and participate! As always, if you have a prayer need, we are here for you! We and the prayer team are ready to lift you up at our private prayer page: RHM Prayer Network. If you are interested in joining the prayer team, here is how to get started Prayer Partners.
Please continue to pray for Rodney and I. Also my 79 yr old mom has fallen and broke her tail bone, she is in the hospital in Augusta , Maine. She is in a lot of pain and will not be able to drive or return back to her home, We are seeking an assisted living home for her closer to my sister in Bangor , Maine, Hopefully I I'll be able to visit her soon. In Jesus name WE PRAY 🙏
Heavenly Father Please Give Me The Grace To Overcome The Challenges That Come My Way Please Give Me The Wisdom To Make The Right Decisions To Stand Strong Always AMEN Good Morning Everyone 😀
Comment from Dan Remley
2 months ago
Amen ❤️ I hope your day was blessed Yvette ❤️
Father God thank you for another day of being alive. Thank you for this group and Pastor you put in my path. You know our needs. Give me the patience i need to see your will for my life. If you want my marriage to survive and prosper please do your will. If not then show me and give me the strength to accept it and welcome whatever you have in store for my life. Amen. Thank you Pastor Dion for your prayers and daily lessons.
Comment from Dan Remley
2 months ago
I pray that the Lord brings you peace in regards to this situation Billy. I pray that your marriage is saved and you and your wife enjoy the rest of your lives in happiness Amen ❤️
Comment from Sherry Mccosh
2 months ago
Prayers for you and you family for Gods will in you life and for peace and direction
Lord, thank you for waking myself and my family up today. So that we could enjoy another day together. Give me the strength to turn the other cheek when evil comes my way. I know that you're about forgiveness,and I know that you will serve justice when the time comes. Amen ❤️
Comment from Marilyn Salter
1 month ago
Prayers that she will recover quickly.
Comment from Susan Petho
1 month ago
Comment from Dan Remley
2 months ago
Tammie I pray that the Lord brings comfort and happiness. I pray that He brings mom health and healing. I pray everything works out,and mom finds happiness in her new home. Amen ❤️
Comment from Sherry Mccosh
2 months ago
I am praying for your dear mom for healing , peace and protection from harm. My mom is 87 and still lives at home by herself but I know one day soon she will need to go to some sort of assisted living home or something. I am not looking forward to that day.
Comment from Lynn Brown
2 months ago
Prayers sent for Rodney and your mom, Tammie!🙏
Comment from Shara Abel
2 months ago
Praying for your mom and Rodney.
Comment from Debi Burton
2 months ago
Sending prayers
Comment from Dion Todd
2 months ago
Comment from Yvette York
2 months ago
Sending Prayers And Positive Thoughts Your Way 🙏🏾